What is Pursuit system ?
area of brain controlled?
maintains an object on the fovea while the object moves slowly
Ipsilateral parietal lobe
What is Vestibular Ocular Reflex (VOR)? What is the delimna of the VOR system?
Holds object steady on while the head moves during a pursuit
It doesnt last long and OKN must take up for it.
How does Optokinetic Nystagmus (OKN) work with VOR?
OKN supplements VOR and holds image steady on fovea during sustained head movement
What does the saccade system function to do?
Controlled in the brain where?
Quick movement to fast for pursuits. Rapidly brings object of interest to the fovea
contralateral frontal lobe
What are saccadic intrusions?
What is the mcc type
What dz is it found?
unwanted eye movements during fixation
square wave jerks
Progressive supranuclear palsy
Supernuclear control of saccades is initiated from the
contralateral Frontal Eye Fields
contralateral Superior Colliculus
Supernuclear control of Pursuits is initiated from the
ipsilateral parieto-occipital-temporal regions
What is the vertical gaze centers?
Neural intergrator
riMLF (rostral interstial nucleus of MLF)
Interstical nucleus of Cajal
What are the horizontal gaze centers?
Neural integrator
Parapontine reticular formation PPRF
Location -PONS
Medial vestibular nucleus
nucleus prepositous hypoglossi accessory nucleus of 7
How do you test the VOR? Describe each.
Dolls eye manuever; move head with visual fixation; if catch up saccade then abnl
Calorics: irrigate H20 in ear and watch for type of nystagmus base of the temp of H20
Calorics interpretation:
What is the mnemonic
If warm water irrigated in right eye, what type of nystagmus
If cold water irrigated in right eye what type of nystagmus
COWS: cold opposite/warm same
warm H20- right ear -righting beat nystagmus
cold H20- right ear -left beating nystagmus
If patient is comatose which ear does the eye move in caloric testing
toward the same side with slow phase movement
What is the etiology of Ocular tilt?
What is the disorder?
otolithic organs
head tilt
ocular rotation
skew deviation
In ocular tilt which way is the head tilted and cyclotorsion in respect to the lesion?
head tilted towards lower eye away from the higher eye
higher eye incyclotorted
How do you differentiate a skew from 4th nerve palsy?
hypertropia on opposite side of gaze (head tilt)
What is the lateral medullary syndrome of wallenberg?
stroke without paralysis
Ipsi loss of pain/temp on face
ipsi cerebellar ataxia
ipsi horner
ocular tilt
How do you test VOR suppression?
pt fixates on near card while being rotated in a swivel chair.
nl eyes maintain fixation on near card during rotation without catch-up saccade.
impaired VOR eyes move off the target during rotation
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP)
slow disappearance of all ocular movements
vertical gaze affected first aka (Dirty tie syndrome)
horizontal pursuits late
Hypermetropic saccades indication dyfx where in the brain.
Congential Ocular motor apraxia
inability to initiate volitionally saccades; thus, use head thrust to see target
Gaze palsy-which direction is the gaze in respect to the lesion in the following?
cerebral-inablitiy to produce contralateral gaze; thus tonic devatiation toward the lesion
brainstem-inability to produce move ipsilateral to lesion
Pontine-loss of horizontal movements
Midbrain-loss of vertical movments
Dorsal Midbrain Syndrome Parinauds features include
convergence retraction nystagmus ( co-contraction of EOM)
convergence insufficency
vertical gaze palsy
light-near dissociation (middilated pupils with light)