13.3 surgical procedures, laboratory tests and procedures of the endocrine system

  1. adrenalectomy
    excision of adrenal glands
  2. hypophysectomy
    excision of hypophysis or anterior pituitary gland
  3. parathyroidectomy
    excision of parathyroid gland
  4. thyroidectomy
    excision of thyroid gland
  5. ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) stimulation test
    test of adrenocortical function
  6. cortisol test
    blood plasma test to measure levels of cortisol to detect diseases of adrenal glands
  7. dexamethasone suppression test
    test of adrenocortical function
  8. estrogen receptor test
    test to determine whether hormonal treatment will be used in cancer treatment by measuring response of cancer to estrogen
  9. protein-bound iodine (PBI) test
    test of thyroid function in which blood protein-bound iodine is measured to estimate amound of available thyroid hormone in peripheral blood
  10. radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) or thyroid131I uptake test
    thyroid function evaluated by introducing radioactive iodine orally or intravenously during selected time period and measuring its absorption by thyroid with counter
  11. thyroid hormone tests: triiodothyronine (T3) thyroxine (T4) thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG)
    group of blood tests to determine thyroid hormone levels and diagnose disorders of the thyroid
  12. thyroid scan
    intravenous injection of radioactive substance for organ imaging to detect abnormalities in size, shape, location and function of thyroid gland
  13. thyroid stimulation test
    anterior pituitary throid-stimulating hormone (TSH) injected to determmine whether thyroid problems result from pituitary or thyroid dysfunction
  14. thyroid ultrasonography
    noninvasive procedure to detect cysts and tumors of thyroid by directing ultrasonic pulses at gland that are reflected back for display on oscilloscope
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13.3 surgical procedures, laboratory tests and procedures of the endocrine system
13.3 surgical procedures, laboratory tests and procedures of the endocrine system