13.2 pathologic conditions of the endocrine system

  1. acromegaly
    disease caused by pituitary hypersecretion of growth hormone after completion of bone development, characterized by enlargement of bones of the front and rear feet and face
  2. Addison's disease
    life-threatening condition of adrenal insufficiency characterized by severe weakness, low blood pressure, anorexia, digestive disturbance, bradycardia, and altered sodium-potassium balance
  3. adrenal cortical carcinomas
    malignant, metastasizing tumors of adrenal cortex, which produce Cushing's syndrome
  4. adrenalitis
    inflammation of adrenal glands
  5. adrenocortical hyperfunction
    over-fuctioning of adrenal cortex
  6. adrenocortical hypofunction
    underfunctioning of adrenal cortex
  7. anorexia
    lack or loss of appetite; symptom in some endocrine disorders
  8. basophilic adenoma
    pituitary gland tumor whose cells stain with basic dyes
  9. cachexia
    general ill health and malnutrition, which may be symptomatic of some endocrine disorders
  10. chromophobic adenoma
    benign tumor of pituitary gland, whose cells resist staining with dyes
  11. Cushing's syndrome
    pituitary basophilism, with excessive secretion of adrenocortical hormone, characterized by potbellied appearance, alopecia, increased thirst and urination, muscle wasting and thin skin (also called hyperadrenocorticism)
  12. diabetes insipidus
    metabolic disorder characterized by polyuria and excessive thirst resulting from insufficient production of antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
  13. diabetes mellitus
    metabolic disease caused by absolute or relative lack of insulin; signs include thirst and urination and sugar in urine (glucosuria)
  14. goiter
    enlargement of thyroid
  15. hyperparathyroidism
    hyperfunction of parathyroid gland of primary type resulting from neoplasms or unknown causes and secondary type because of metabolic disorder, producing calcium imbalance in bodily systems, with osteoporosis and deposition of calcium in tissues
  16. hyperthyroidism
    overproduction of thyroid hormone, especially common in older cats
  17. hypogonadism
    developmental disorder caused by inadequate secretion of pituitary gonadotropins, resulting in sexual immaturity and decreased functional activity of gonads in males and females.
  18. hypoparathyoidism
    insufficiency of parathyroid glands, which may be familial or because of excision, disease, or injury of thyroid or parathyroid glands, resulting in hypocalcemia, with increased bone density resulting from decreased bone resorption
  19. hypothyroidism
    underfunction of thyroid gland
  20. parathyroid tetany
    muscular cramps and spasms, resulting from hypocalcemia because of excision or injury to parathyroids
  21. polydipsia
    excessive thirst; symptom of diabetes
  22. polyuria
    excessive urnation; symptom of diabetes
  23. testicular tumors
    seminoma, Sertoli's cell tumor (estrogen-secreting), and interstitial cell tumor (androgen secreting), usually benign tumors of testes; more common in cryptochid testicles
  24. tetany
    muscle spasm and cramp; symptom of hypoparathyroidism
  25. thyroid adenoma
    benign tumor of thyroid gland; may occur in cats with hyperthyroidism
  26. thyroiditis
    inflammation of thyroid gland
  27. thyrolytic
    pertianing to stubstances destructive to to thyroid gland
  28. thyropathy
    any disease or disorder of thyroid gland
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13.2 pathologic conditions of the endocrine system
13.2 Endocrine System; pathologic conditions of the endocrine system