
  1. Amniocentesis
    Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the sac that surrounds the fetus in the uterus.
  2. Aspiration
    Withdrawal of fluid by suction through a needle or tube.
  3. Audiogram
    Record of testing sound waves of various frequencies to determine extent and type of hearing loss.
  4. Ausculation
    Process of listening for sounds produced within the body.
  5. Biopsy
    Removal of a piece of tissue from the body for subsequent examination under a microscope. Performed by surgical knife or by needle aspiration or endoscope.
  6. Bronchoscopy
    Visual examination of the bronchial passages through flexible tube inserted into the airway.
  7. Endoscopy
    Inspection of an organ or body cavity through a thin, tube-like instrument inserted into the organ or cavity.
  8. Laparoscopy
    Examination of the abdominal cavity through an endoscope inserted into the abdomen.
  9. Electroencephalography
    Connection of electrodes to the scalp to record electricity coming from within the brain.
  10. Palpation
    Examination by touch. Manual physical examination by which a doctor feels underlying tissues and organs through the skin.
  11. Percussion
    The technique of striking a part of the body with short, sharp taps of the fingers to determine the size, density, and position of the underlying parts by the sound obtained.
  12. Thoracentesis
    Insertion of a needle into the chest to remove fluid form the space surrounding the lungs.
Card Set
Clinical Procedures