ART Day 2 (am)

  1. Palmar Fascia
    • Tension = Prox. (btwn each metas)
    • **Can reverse tension (gripping btwn fingers)
    • Mvt - Flex (fingers) -> Ext.
    • * Maintain depth and static position
  2. Adductor Pollicis
    • Tension = towards ulna (4 finger contact or thumb)
    • *reverse tension (towards thumb)
    • Mvt - Add/Flx (thumb) -> Ext / Abd (thumb)
  3. Flexor / Opponens Pollicis Muscles
    • Tension = Prox. (towards hand)
    • Mvt - Opposition -> separate thumb/5th fingers
    • *Add/Flex (thumb) -> Ext./Abd (thumb)
    • ++Abductor Pollicis Brevis (hook contact) = prox.
    • Mvt - Abd -> Ext./Add. (thumb)
  4. Flexor Pollicis Longus
    • Tension = Prox. (1/3 prox. on forearm)
    • Mvt - Flex (thumb/wrist) -> Ext.
  5. Extensor Indicis / Extensor Pollicis Longus (single tendon central of thumb)
    ... Ext. Indicis more ulnar side less prox.
    • Tension = Prox. (almost central / dorsal portion of wrist)
    • Mvt - Ext (1st finger / thumb) -> Flx (thumb/ 1st finger + wrist) ... thumb inside then 1st finger then curl wrist + sl pron.
  6. Ext. Pollicis Brevis w/ Abd. Pollicis Longus (2 tendons radial side of thumb)
    ... Longus / Brevis / Longus...
    • Tension = Prox.
    • Mvt - Ext./Abd (thumb) + Ext. (wrist) -> Flx/Add (thumb) + Sl uln. deviation
    • ...Thumb inside fingers + wrist flx
  7. Ext. / Abd Pollicis w/ Ext. Retinaculum
    • Tension (w/ thumb) = Prox.
    • Mvt - Ext. (thumb) -> Flx (thumb) inside of fingers + Sl. Uln deviation
  8. Palmaris Brevis
    • Tension = Away from ulnar side
    • *Reverse tension
    • Mvt - Close hand -> Open hand (spread thumb/5th fingers)
  9. Hypothenar Muscles
    • Tension = Prox. (2 finger contact)
    • *reverse tension
    • Mvt - Flx (5th finger) -> Ext + radial deviation
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ART Day 2 (am)