clinical Methods Definitions 2`

  1. Positive Reinforcers
    Those events that when presented or delivered (contingent upon a correct response) increase the future probability of that response.
  2. Social (Conditioned)
    Reinforcers whose effects depend upon past learning through association with primary reinforcers
  3. Conditioned Generalized Reinforcers (Token Economy)
    Reinforcers that do not depend upon a particular motivation because their history is generalized across or associated with a variety of other reinforcers.
  4. Informative Feedback
    Providing information regarding performance (beyond praise for “correctness”) that influences future performance
  5. Negative Reinforcers
    Events that when removed or negated (contingent on a behavior) result in an increase in frequency of that behavior.
  6. Escape
    Actual contact with the aversive stimulus is terminated (contingent upon the correct response) which increases the future probability of that response.
  7. Avoidance
    Contact with the aversive stimulus doesn't occur as long as the correct response occurs which increases the future probability of that response.
  8. Reinforcement Schedules
    The relationship between 1) the number of responses and amount of reinforcement; OR 2) responses and the time interval between delivery of reinforcement
  9. Extinction
    Terminating the reinforcer for a response which results in a decreased rate of that response.
  10. Punishment
    Events that when made contingent upon a response (follow a specified response immediately) will decrease the future probability of that response.
  11. Time-out
    Response contingent loss of opportunity to obtain reinforcers which results in a decrease in that response.
  12. Response Cost
    Response contingent loss of reinforcers which results in a decrease in that response.
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clinical Methods Definitions 2`
Clinical Methods Definitions 2