micro 251 csn chap 13

  1. what is a communicable infection
    transmitted human to human,directly or indirectly. HIV, influenza
  2. zoonoses
    animal transmitted examples lymes, rabies
  3. non-communicable
    not transmitted person to person botulism,tetanus
  4. microbial conization
    become normal flora
  5. contact
    physical interaction conalize,infect,disease
  6. infection
    penatrate defenses and multiply(oppertunist pathagen)
  7. disease
    causes change in host,tissue death,shock,intoxication,abnormal immune response
  8. carrier
    can result in no disease but transmits
  9. normal microbiota
    normal flora
  10. how can normal flora be oppertunist
    when they take over and r not kept in check when other bacteria r killed
  11. endemic
    natural to place
  12. sporatic
    scattered instances
  13. epidemic
  14. pandemic
    whole world
  15. pathogen
    any disease producing organism
  16. pathogenicity
    number infected
  17. virulance
    serverity/fatal case
  18. infectious dose
    capable of causing infection
  19. endotoxins
    gram negative release at death,target non specific tissue,weak unless endotoxin(sepsis)
  20. exotoxin
    positive and negative,secrected externally,highly toxic(cyto,neuro,enter)targets heart nerve,muscle,gi examples are diphtheria,tetanus,botulism, toxic shock syndrom
  21. extracellular enzymes do what
    help pathogens enter by clearing path,kinase(breaks fiber cllots), coagolase(forms fibrin clots),hyaloronidase(breaks down tissur cement)
  22. antiphagocytic factors how r prevented
    bacteria capsules,anti-phag-chem,leukokins kill wbcs, some prevent fusion
  23. attachment adhesion how it works
    colonises(biofilm),binding specific receptors, pili, glycocalyx(capsule),hooks spikes flagella
  24. acute infection
    rapit onset,short
  25. subclinical
  26. persistant cronic
    organisms flares up ar various times not cleared, continus damage,probably infectious
  27. persistant latent
    no outward expression of disease: reaction may occur:may be infectious
  28. mixed infection
    more than one microbe
  29. local infection
    ex boil ringworm, inflammation,fever,pain,edema,redness,exudate
  30. systemic infections
    fever,pain;change in heartrate,blood pressure; toxcity,sepsis; change in rbc,wbc count
  31. portals of entry
    skin,mucus membranes(gi,respiratory,urogenital,)placenta,parenteral(peircing skin or mucus membranes
  32. portals of entry can be whaat
    endogenous(from inside) ex normal mmicrobiota or carrier
  33. portals of exit6
  34. contract transmission of various diesease
    contact direct skin,sexual,droplets) indirect blood,fomite fluid
  35. airborn
    contaminated air (droplet nuclei)
  36. zoonose transmittion
    dependent on biology of vector or animal and organism
  37. vector
    veicle of tramission ex human mosquito
  38. endogenous infection
    coming from inside ex tb c diff
  39. exogenous
    an infection that develops from bacteria normally outside the body that have gained access to the body.
  40. vectors
    • arthropods-transmit to humans-malaria and lyme disease
    • mechanical-not infected but carry insect feet,hair
  41. zoonoses
    • animal infection spread to humans:
    • make up &)percent of all emerging diseases worldwide-rabies,ebola virus,hantavirus
  42. fomates
    nonliving, on toilet seats, bandages,utensils,surgical intruments
  43. human carriers passive
    carry one patient to another
  44. convalescence human carrier
    shedding during recovery(chicken pox)
  45. chronic human carrier
    never clear,but may be no signs(HCV,HBV,HIV<herpies...etc may lead to cancer
Card Set
micro 251 csn chap 13
bio 251 csn