vocab review

  1. ascetic
    noun renounces material, self dischiplined
  2. licentious

    adj lacking legal/moral restraints
  3. pecuniary
    adj measured in money
  4. presumptuous
    adj full of, charaterized by
  5. vacuous
    • adj
    • lacking content
  6. impetus
    • noun
    • a moving force, impulse
  7. efficacy
    • noun
    • ability to produce desired results
  8. capricious
    • adj
    • subject to, let by
  9. nefarious
    • adj
    • extremely wicked
  10. physiognomy
    • noun
    • outward appearance of anyting
  11. insipid
    • adj
    • without interest
  12. lugubrious
    • adj
    • mournful or gloomy
  13. cajole
    • verb
    • to persuade by flattering
  14. indolent
    • adj
    • slothful, slow, not wanting
  15. allocation
    • verb
    • set aparrt for special purpose
  16. interloper
    • verb
    • to intrude without proper license
  17. akimbo
    • adj
    • to stand with a hand on hip and elbow bent outwards
  18. presumptuous
    • adj
    • full of, bold
  19. disparity
    • noun
    • lacking of similariteies
  20. moribund
    • adj
    • in a dying state
  21. inexorable
    • adj
    • unyielding, unalterable
  22. tedium
    • noun
    • state of being tired
  23. choleric
    • adj
    • extremely irritable
  24. expectorate
    • verb
    • to eject matter
  25. censure
    • noun
    • strong expression of disapproval
  26. palpate
    • verb
    • to examine by touch
  27. encumber
    • verb
    • to bloc with obstruction
  28. impasse
    • noun
    • position from with there is no escape
  29. torrid
    • adj
    • very hot or burning
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vocab review
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