-ac, -al, -ar, -ary, -eal, -iac, -ic, -ical, -ose, -ous, -tic
- 1. all of these mean "pertaining to".
- 2. Ex: cardiac, cellular, psychotic.
- 3. Pertaining to the heart, cell, or psychosis.
- 1. pain
- 2. Ex: neuralgia
- 3. pain along a nerve
- 1. surgical puncture to remove fluid
- 2. Ex: amniocentesis
- 3. insertion of needle to withdraw a sample of amniotic fluid.
- 1. to kill or destroy
- 2. Ex: germicide
- 3. chemical substance that kills germs.
- 1. cell
- 2. Ex: leukocyte
- 3. white blood cell
- 1. surgical removal of
- 2. Ex: gastrectomy
- 3. removal of part or all of the stomach
- 1. blood, blood condition
- 2. Ex: bacteremia
- 3. bacteria in the blood
- 1. record
- 2. Ex: electrocardiogram
- 3. record of the electrical activity of the heart.
- 1. an instrument used to record
- 2. Ex: electrocardiograph
- 3. instrument that records electrial variations in cardiac muscle activity.
- 1. process of recording
- 2. Ex: electrocardiography
- 3. the making and study of electrocardiograms.
- 1. condition, esp. an abnormal state
- 2. Ex: tachycardia
- 3. condition of abnormal rapid heart rate.
- 1. condition
- 2. Ex: hypothyroidism
- 3. condition created by less than normal levels of thryroid hormones.
- 1. inflammation of
- 2. Ex: carditis
- 3. inflammation of the heart