Protective protein produced byB lymphocytes in response to presence of a foreign susbstance called an antigen
substance recognized as harmful to the host and stimulates formation of antibodies in an immunocompetent individual
bile pigments
substances derived from the breakdown of hemoglobin, produced by the liver, and excreted in the form of bile
chemical substances produced by certain cells that initiate, inhibit, increase, or decrease activity in other cells
extracellular fluid
all body fluids found outside cells, including intestinal fluid, plasma, lymph, and cerebrospinal fluid
organism that maintains or harbors another organism
ability to develop an immune response, or the ability to recognize antigens and respond to them
natural killer cells
specialized lymphocytes that kill abnormal cells by releasing chemicals that destroy the cell membrane causing its intercellular fluids to leak out
- protective action:
- -phagocytosis
- -allergy, animal parasites
- -inflammation mediators, anticoagulant properties
-Lymphocytes (B cells and T cells)
-Natural Killer Cells
- Protective action:
- -phagocytosis
- - B=humoral immunity. C=cellular immunity
- -destruction without specificity
clumping, gluing
base (alkaline, opposite of acid)
dawn (rose colored)
immune, immunity, safe
lymph gland (node)
form, shape, structure
bone marrow; spinal cord
swallowing, eating
varied, irregular
abnormal condition; increase (used primarily with blood cells)
decrease, deficiency
carrying, transmission
formation, production
other, differing from the normal
unequal, dissimilar
condition of marked variation in the size of erythrocytes when observed on a blood smear
accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal or pleural cavity
presence of viable bacteria circulating in the bloodstream usually transient in nature
graft rejection
destruction of a transplanted organ or tissue by the recipient's immune system
graft-versus-host-disease (GVHD)
condition that occurs following bone marrow transplant in which the immune cells in the transplanted marrow produce antibodies against the host's tissues
localized accumulation of blood, usually clotted, in an organ, space, or tissue due to a break in or serving of a blood vessel
any disorder caused by abnormalities in the hemoglobin molecule
destruction of RBCs with a release of hemoglobin that diffuses into the surrounding fluid
arrest of bleeding or circulation
- state of being protected against infectious diseases
- -immunity produced by the person's own immune system
- -immunity in which antibodies or other immune substances formed in one individual are transferred to another individual to provide immediate, temporary immunity
any disease of the lymph nodes
malignant neoplastic disorder of lymphatic tissue (not related to Hodgkin disease)
serious, life-threatening bloodstream infection that may arise from infection, meningitis, or infections of the bone of GI tract, also called blood infection or blood poisoning
laboratory test to detect the presence of antibodies, antigens or immune substances
blood test that measures the amount of antibodies in blood; commonly used as in indicator of immune status
blood culture
test to detemine the presence of bathogens in the bloodstream
differential count (diff)
test that enumerates the distribution of WBCs in a stained blood smear by counting the different kinds of WBCs and reporting each as a percentage of the total examined
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
measurement of the distance RBCs settle to the bottom of a test tube under standardized condition; also called sed rate
hemoglobin (Hgb) value
measurement of the amount of hemoglobin in a whole blood sample
hematocrit (Hct)
measurement of the percentage of RBCs in a whole blood sample
non specific rapid serological test for infectious mononuclousis; also called the heterophile antibody test
partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
test that measures the lenght of time it takes blood to clot. It screens for deficiencies of some clotting factors and monitors the effectiveness of anticoagulant (heparin) therapy; also called activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT)
red blood cell indices
math calculation of the size, volume, and concentration of hemoglobin for an RBC
schilling test
test used to assess the absorption of radioactive vitamin B12 by the digestive system
radiographic examination of lymph nodess after injection of a contrast medium
radiographic examination of lymph vessels or tissues after injection of a contrast medium
-bone marrow
- drawing in or out by suction
- -procedure using a syringe with a thin aspirating needle inserted (usually in the pelvic bone and rarely the sternum) to withdraw a small sample of bone marrow flud for microscopic evaluation
-bone marrow biopsy
-sentinel node biopsy
- -removal of a small core sample of tissue from bone marrow for examination under a microscope and, possibly, for analysis using other tests
- -removal of the first lymph node (the sentinel node) that receives drainage from cancer-containing areas and the one most likely to contain malignant cells
removal of a lymph vessel
- infusion of blood or blood components into the blood stream
- -transfusion prepared from the recipient's own blood
- -transfusion prepared from another individual whose blood is compatible with that of the recipient
-autologous bone marrow
-homologous bone marrow
- -harvesting, freezing (cryopreserving), and reinfusing the patient's own bone marrow to treat bone marrow hypoplasia following cancer therapy
- -transplantation of bone marrow from one individual to another to treat aplastic anemia, leukemia, and immunodeficiency disorders
study abbreviation
there are a lot of them
fat-soluble vitamins
prevent and treat bleeding disorders resulting from a lack of prothrombin, which is commonly caused by vitamin K deficiency
dissolve bllod clots by destroying their fibrin strands
prevent blood clot formation by inhibiting the synthesis or inactivating one or more clotting factors
neutralize fibrinolytic chemicals in the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and urinary tract to prevent the breakdown of blood clots
destroy bacteria, fungi, and protozoa, depending on the particular drug, generally by interfering with the funtions of their cell membrane of their reproductive cycle
prevent replication of viruses within host cells