MCR I Class

  1. Define analgesics. Example? opioid or non-opioid?
    • pain killers, pain relievers
    • acetaminophen aka tylenol
    • non-opioid
  2. Define opioid.
    an analgesic that relieves pain by acting on the CNS binding to opioid receptors; narcotics
  3. Define non-opioid. example?
    non narcotic; acetaminophen (tylenol); do not bind to opioid receptors
  4. What are the types of drugs used for pain management?
    • Analgesics (opioid or non opioid)
    • NSAIDs
    • Steroids
    • Anti-depressants (chronic pain)
    • anti-convulsants (neuropathic pain)
    • Muscle relaxers
  5. What are the 3 receptors of opioid receptors? Which one is the most important? What are the SE's?
    • Mu, Delta, and Kappa
    • Mu: constipation, addiction, repiratory depression
  6. what is the action of opioid analgesics?
    Inhibition of synaptic transmission. Decreased NT release in presynaptic and blocked receptors in postsynaptic
  7. What are the different opioid classifications when it comes to opioid receptors? Describe.
    • Agonists: high receptor affininity especially for Mu
    • Mid to Mod agonists: for mid to mod pain (weak opioids
    • mixed agonists and antagonists: safest (less respiratory depression and less pontential for abuse); SE psychotropic affects
    • antagonists: completely blocks opioid receptors; used to treat overdoes and addiction
  8. What are the problems using opioids?
    • Addiction
    • Physical dependency
    • tolerance
  9. Opioid SEs
    sleepy, moody, slowing mental process, respiratory depression, GI (nausea/constipation)
  10. morphine....type of drug? kind of receptor?
    • opioid analgesic
    • strong agonists
  11. demoral...type of drug? kind of receptor
    • opioid analgesics
    • strong agonists
  12. dilaudid...type of drug? kind of receptor?
    • opioid analgesics
    • strong agonists
  13. fentanyl...type of drug? kind of receptor?
    • opioid analgesics
    • strong agonists
  14. codiene...type of drug? kind of receptor?
    • opioid analgesics
    • mid to mod agonists
  15. hydrocodone (percoset)...type of drug? kind of receptor?
    • opioid analgesics
    • mid to mod agonists
  16. oxycodone (oxycontin)...type of drug? kind of receptor?
    • opioid analgesics
    • mid to mod agonists
  17. What is the function of NSAIDs?
    • decrease inflammation
    • promote analgesia
    • reduce fever
    • anticoagulation
  18. aspirin, motrin, advil, nuprin, and mobic are ____.
  19. What is COX
    an enzyme that is needed to convert the precursor to prostaglandin
Card Set
MCR I Class
MCR Exam II Drug packet