TCM Diagnosis Quiz 2

  1. General Inspection covers Vitality, Complexion, Body Physique, Posture and

    A. Movements of the Body
  2. Absence of Vitality indicated that Essence & Qi of Internal Organs have been impaired during the course of an illness;

    B. It is usually seen in severe cases.
  3. Ten Essentials of Inspection of Complexion "Fu (Superficial)" manifests shallow looking indicates?

    D. The External Pathogen invading.
  4. Ten Abnormal colorations of complexion:
    • 1. Fu (Superficial)
    • 2. Chen (Deep)
    • 3. Qing (Clear)
    • 4. Zhuo (Pigmented)
    • 5. Wei (Light)
    • 6. Shen (Dark)
    • 7. San (Dispersing)
    • 8. Tuan (Concentrated)
    • 9. Ze (Bright)
    • 10. Yao (Dull)
  5. People in the shape of skinny are generally indicating they are...

    A. Deficient in Yin or Essence.
  6. Involuntary Head Shaking generally signifies...

    A. A disorder caused by Wind, or by empty collaterals of both Qi and Blood.
  7. Deviation of the eye and mouth generally signifies...

    C. Collaterals are blocked by Wind-Phlegm.
  8. From Inspection of Patient's Hair, you may get the impression of Sufficient Qi, Blood, & Essence by...

    A. Thick, Sleek, and Glossy hair.
  9. Fu(Superficial)
    Looks Shallow
    Exterior condition
  10. Chen(Deep)
    Appears Deep
    Interior pattern
  11. Qing(Clear)
    Looks Clear and smooth
    Yang pattern
  12. Zhuo(Pigmented)
    Appears Dusky and haggard
    Yin pattern
  13. To inspect the eye, seeing redness occuring at the White of the Eye- this signifies...

    D. Lung Heat.
  14. The mouth is the opening of Spleen and flourishes at the lips; the color of pale lips signify...

    A. Deficiency of both Qi and Blood.
  15. Cyanotic lips and nails suggest...

    B. Stagnation of Qi and Blood.
  16. Inspection of Superficial Venules of the Index Finger (SVIF) is suitable for children under 3 years. When the venule appears between the Gate of Wind and Qi, that manifests the pathogenic relevance are in...

    A. Superficial of body and the clinic estimation is mild, exterior.
  17. Inspection of the SVIF to distinguish the colors, the thick and thin, the deepness and lightness, the superficial and evident, the luster and the shapes, can get a clue for children's diagnosis. If you find the child's SVIF Thickening, Superficial, and Bright Red color appearing between the Gate of Wind and Qi, this indicates...

    D. Exterior Wind-Heat at Superficials of the body, and may be into the Qi level.
  18. Blue SPIF indicates...

    C. Wind or Pain.
  19. The tongue inspection includes Vitality, Color, Shape and...

    A. Motility.
  20. To figure out the distribution of Internal Organs on lingual surface of tongue; which is the correct concept?

    C. The first 1/3 tip of tongue belongs to Heart and Lung.
  21. The tongue is the color of light red, with thin, white and moist coating covered on the surface; the tongue can move voluntarily; this indicates...

    A. A normal tongue.
  22. A red tongue generally indicates...

    A. Heat Syndrome.
  23. A dark red tongue, with dry and yellow coating indicates...

    D. Long-detained Heat.
  24. Appearance of a tender, light colored tongue indicates...

    A. Deficiency Syndrome.
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TCM Diagnosis Quiz 2
TCM Diagnosis Quiz 2