
  1. What is Cranial Sacral?
    A gentle hands-on approach focusing on the bones of the head, spinal column, sacrum and underlying structures.
  2. What is the main objective of a Cranial Therapist?
    To find restrictions or compression and use designed techniques to release these areas.
  3. What are the 4 parts of the Cranial System?
    • Brain/Spinal Cord-movement and information
    • Meningeal Membranes--Protections
    • Cerbrospinal Fluid (CFS)- cushioning & lubracation
    • Bones--handles whats going on underneath
  4. What are the bones of the skull?
    • Frontal--front
    • Parietal- pair on sides
    • Occiput- back of head
    • Temporal-side/where you would turn gray first
    • Sphenoid- butterfly
    • Zygoma- mask
    • Maxilla- top lip/mustache
    • Mandible- jaw
  5. Who is the father of Cranial?
    Dr. William Sutherland (Osteopath)
  6. What is one theory to describe the origin of the cranial rhythm?
    Dr. William Sutherland thought that when the brain moved it made the skull flex and extend
  7. Who is John Upledger?
    Injected dye and tested on Monkey's to show that the skull moves.
  8. How many times does a normal cranial rhythm run?
    6-14 times per minute
  9. What are the 4 characteristics of Cranial Rhythm?
    • S-symmetry--movement from right to left
    • Q-quality--how strong
    • A-amplitude--how far out or in
    • R-rate--how may times
  10. How do you palpate the cranial rhythm?
    • Feet
    • Thighs
    • Pelvis
    • Shoulders
    • Head
  11. What is CV4?
    Reset button
  12. What are the 4 structures that make up the Reciprocal Tension Membrane System?
    • Falx Cerebri
    • Falx Cerebelli,
    • Tentorium,
    • Dural Tube
  13. What is Falx Cerebi?
    Seperates the right and left brain
  14. What is the Tentorium Cerebelli?
    The brain bra--supports the weight of the brain and supends it above the stem
  15. What is Falx Cerebelli?
    Underside- connects with falx cerebri
  16. What is the dura tube?
    houses the spine--tube
  17. Releasing Fascial
    1. The fascial system is a single system. The body stocking.
  18. Releasing Fascial
    2. Majority of fascial is vertical
  19. Release Fascial
    3. Some locations have dense collection of horizontal fascial. ie: stomach(to house organs)
  20. Release Fascial
    4. Fascia, under ideal circumstances, is very mobile
  21. What are some bendfits of a diaphram release?
    • can increase the cranial rhythm or bring it back.
    • increase respiratory function
    • organ function
    • mobilize the dura tube
  22. What are the movements of the skull?
    • anterior- up in air
    • posterior- towards table
    • superior- towards self
    • inferior- towards clients feet
    • medial- toward center of table
    • lateral- toward edges of table
  23. What are signs of Restrictions Releasing?
    heat, fluid releasing (tears), softening (tissue), twitching, swallowing (frequent), breathing changes, therapeutic pules, Rapid Eye Movement, Somato-Emotional Release
  24. What are some Contraindications?
    • Acute interacranial hemorrhages (bleeding of the brain
    • Intracranial aneurysms (ballooned vessels)
    • Recent Skull Fracture (6 weeks)
    • Sever gran mal seizures (acute)
    • Recent Strokes (6 weeks)
    • No compressive techniques on children under 9
  25. How many master bones are in the cranial sacrial system?
  26. What is the Cranial Nerve 9 (IX)?
    Glossopharyngeal--taste and sensation

    Tongue curled up in ear
  27. What is Cranial nerve 10 (X)?
    Vagus--swallowing, digestion and bowl movement

    Vagus buffets are a 10
  28. What is Cranial Nerve 11 (XI)?
    Accessory- trapezius and sternocleidomastoriod

    a chocker is a nice accessory
  29. What is the location of the occipital bone?
    postierior base of cranium
  30. What are the articulations of the occipital bone?
    • sphenoid
    • parietals
    • atlas
    • temporalis
  31. What are the characteristics of the occipital bone?
    • Flexibility of Life
    • being able to give and receive love and support
  32. What are the indications of the occipital bone?
    tension, whiplash, impact accidents, neck or cervical problems, shoulder pain, low back pain.
  33. What are the movements of the frontal bone?
    • Flexion-anterior
    • Extension- Posterior
  34. What is the location of the frontal bone?
    anterior part of cranium. forms the forehead and superior part of the eye socket
  35. What are the articulations of the frontal bone?
    sphenoid, pariteals, zygomae, ethmoid - maxillae, lacrimals, nasal bones, falx cerebri
  36. What are the characteristics of the frontal bone?
    • Concentration and intelligence
    • Higher levels of these both, wisdom to see and accept change
  37. What are the indications of the frontal bone?
    over thinking/worrying, helps focus, whiplash, headaches, free up facial bone work
  38. What are the directions of the parietal bones?
    • Flexion- lateral
    • Extension- Medial
  39. What is the location of the parietal bone?
    superior and lateral aspects of cranium
  40. What are the articulations of the parietal bones?
    sphenoid,occiput,frontal,temporal--falx cerebri
  41. What are the characteristics of the parietal bones?
    • Lost of Life
    • aspiration vs. depression
  42. What are the indications of the parietal bones?
    depression, hopelessness, lack of joy, seasonal affected disorder (SAD), anytime occiput, frontal or temporals are affected
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Cranial Sacral