
  1. __ are body structures composed of two or more different tissues.
  2. What makes up the integumentary system?
    skin and accessory organs (hair, glands, nails)
  3. __ line body cavities that lack openings to the outside.
    1) What do they line? What do they cover?
    2) __ are made up of __ and __ and secrete __ that acts as a __
    • Serous membranes
    • thorax/ abdomen/ cover the organs within these cavities
    • serous membranes/ epithelium/ loose connective tissue/ serous fluid/ lubricant
  4. __ line the cavities and openings tha tlead to the outside of thebody, including the __ and __ cavitites, and openings of the __, __, __, and __ systems.
    1) They consist of __ and __ with specialized cells that secrete __.
    • Mucuous membranes
    • nasal/ oral/ respiratory/ urinary/ digestive/ reproductive
    • epithelium and connective tissue/ mucus.
  5. __ line the joint cavities.
    1) These membranes consist of __ only that secretes lubricating __.
    • Synovial membranes
    • connective tissue
    • synovial fluid
  6. The __ consists of the __.
    • cutaneous membrane
    • skin
  7. The __ is a large organ responsible for __, __, __, __, __, and __.
    • skin
    • maintaining homeostasis through temperature regulation
    • protection of underlying tissues
    • retardation of water loss
    • housing sensory receptors
    • synthesizing certain chemcials
    • excreting wastes
  8. The skin consists of an __ and a __, connected to underlying tissue by the __.
    • outer epidermis
    • dermis
    • subcutaneous layer (hypodermis)
  9. 1) Epidermis
    - The epidermis is made up of __ and __.
    - The layer of __ cells (__), which lies at the base of the __, is well- nourished by __.
    - Cells are pushed __ as new cells formed, and become __ as they die.
    - The epidermis is important because what?
    - __, which lie deep in the __ and underlying __, produce a pigment called __ that protects deeper cells from teh sun's ultraviolet rays.
    • stratified squamous epithelium and lacks blood vessles
    • reproducing cells (the stratum basale)/ epidermis/ dermal blood vessles
    • outward/ keratinized
    • it protects against water loss, mechanical injury, chemicals, microorganisms
    • melanocytes/ epidermis/ dermis/ melanin
  10. Skin Color
    1) Skin color results from a combination of __, __, and __ factors.
    2) __ differences in skin color result from differing amoutns of __ and in the size of __.
    3) Exposure to sunlight causes __ of skin as __ production __.
    4) __ within __ affects skin color.
    • 1) genetic, environmental, and physiological
    • 2) genetic/ melanin/ melanin granules
    • 3) darkening/ melanin/ increases
    • 4) circulation/ dermal blood vessels
  11. Dermis
    1) the dermis binds the __ to underlying tissues.
    2) The dermis consists of __ with __ and __ within a __.
    3) __ carry __ to upper layers of skin and help to __.
    4) The dermis also contains __, __, __, __, and __.
    • epidermis
    • connective tissue/ collagen/ elastic fibers/ gel-like ground substance
    • dermal blood vessels/ nutrients/ regulate temperature
    • nerve fibers/ sensory fibers/ hair follicles/ sebaceous glands/ sweat glands
  12. Subcutaneous Layer
    1) The subcutaneous layer (__) is composed of __ and __.
    2) What does it do? What does it contain?
    3) No __ exists between t he __ and __.
    • 1) hypodermis/ loose connective tissue/ insulating adipose tissue
    • 2) binds the skin to underlying organs and contains blood vessels that supply the skin
    • 3) sharp boundaries/ dermis/ subcutaneous layer
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