
  1. How does the policy making process work?
    Identify-> Formulate->Legitimate-> Implement->Evaluate
  2. Stage 1
    • Problem recognition/definition
    • *What is a social problem
    • *what is the nature of the social problem (issue)?
    • *What is the magnitude of the condition?
  3. What are sources of agenda setting?
    o Inside Government

    o Congress

    o Events and Crises

    o Executive Branch

    o Public

    o Campaign Promises

    Political Parties
  4. Stage 2
    • *what are the policy alternatives?
    • *difficult to reach a decision that has strong support if alternatives favored by an influenctial interest group are excluded.
    • *who are the stakeholders?
  5. Stage 3
    • policy adoption
    • political proecess, requires majority
    • budget must support policy adopted
  6. Stage 4
    • policy implementation
    • role of public agency
    • what is done to enforce or apply a policy?
  7. Stage 5
    • Evaluation
    • success against others? GAO
  8. HPV vaccines
    • validity of diagnostic tests
    • what is the role of gov in health care?
    • should gov legislate mortality?
    • moral issue or medical problem?
    • public or private responsibility?
    • issue of private wealth or helath?
  9. What other variables interact with gender? and access to and control over these enables what?
    • Family resources
    • Economic and social resources
    • political resources
    • information and & educ
    • time resources

    Access to and control over these variables gives one power and decision-making.
  10. Overarching thoughts
    • Health challenges that arise for different age strcutures, cultures
    • Social construction of health
    • Social distribution of disease
  11. Gender inequities in health care are concentrated in 3 types of imbalance
    Health risks <-> opportunities to enjoy health

    Health needs <-> access to health resources

    • Responsibility in the health sector <->
    • power in the health sector
  12. Sex vs gender
    • Sex: biological (e.g. menstruation)
    • Gender: social construction (self-trait, psychological traits)
  13. Gender disparities and health in men
    • health most vulnerable to stressful life events
    • key mental and physical health: work roles
    • Unemployment, job insecurity, and even early retirement can bring disease and premature death to men
    • Marriage and parenthood provide anchors for men emotionally
    • health advantages from having access to more resources than women
  14. Gender disparities and health in women
    • may be protected from a number of diseases by their reproductive physiology and certain X-linked genes
    • Estrogen protects women from heart disease and early death
    • Women’s greater longevity
    • Women benefit in terms of improved life expectancy from marriage as compared to their unmarried counterparts
    • Social factors play a major role
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