makes realising and inhibiting hormones
anterior pitutiary gland
secrete GH, TSH, PRL, MSH, ACTH, FSH, LH
posterior pituitary
secretes oxytocen and ADH
- pituitary gland
- sectete GH, BRL
secrete FSH and LH
attaches the pituitary to the brain
thyroid gland
- located in the neck below the larynx
- high blood calcium- secrete CALCITONIN- bones- absorb calcium- making bones dense
- low TSH- secretes T3, T4- all body tissue (except heart and brain)- increased metabolic rate
follicular cells
secrete t3 and t4
parafollicular cells
secrete calitonin
thyroid follicle
release t3 and t4
parathyroid gland
- located posterior thyroid
- low blood calcium- secrete PTH- bones- relase calcium- high blood calcium
- secrete PTH- kidneys- reabsorb calcium- high blood calcium
chief cells
- parathyroid gland
- manufacture PTH
adrenal capsule
protects deeper levels from invasion
adrenal medulla
secretes epinephrene and norepinephren
aderenal cortex
secretes aldosterone, cordisol, DHEA
- located in abdomen between stomach and small intestine
- high blood glucose- INSULIN (beta cells)- fat, muscle, liver- absorb glucose- lower blood glucose
- low blood glucose- GLUCAGON (alpha cells) -liver- breakdown of glucose- high blood glucose
pancreatic islets
glucose homeostasis
pancreatic exocrine acini
produce and transport enzymes
- FSH- high sperm development
- LH- testosterone- muscle skin larynx brain testicles- high muscle growth course hair and high libido
- FSH- ova development and estrogen- breasts skin fat and brain- growth of glands- female characteristics
- pregnancy- RELAXIN- connective tissue- relaxation of pubic symphisis
- located between heart and sternum
- secretes THYMOSIN- t-lymphocytes- high immune system activity
GH- Growth hormone
increased rate of mitosis
PRL- Prolactin
lactation by stimulating mammary glands
MSH- Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone
increased melanin production
TSH- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
stimulates thyroid gland, secrete T3, T4
ACTH- adrenocorticotropic Hormone
secretes cortisol under stress
FSH- Follicle Stimulating Hormone
- stimulates w- ova development and estrogen
- m- sperm development
LH- luteinizing Hormone
- stimulates ovulation and progesterone and estrogen
- m- testosterone
adrenal gland
- located retroperitoneal and superior to kidneys
- stress- CORTISOL- liver fat immune system- fat protien and glucagon breakdown- high blood clucose
- puberty- DHEA- brain skin- high libido browth of hair
- low BP, low Na, high K- ALDOESTERONE- kidneys- high reabsorbtion of Na and water, excretion of k into urine- high BP high Na and low K
high bp- ANP- Kidneys- More Na and water in urine- low BP
anemia- ERYTHOPOETIN- red bone marrow- high red blood cells- low anemia
food in stomach- GASTRIN- stomach- high secretion of enzymes and high muscle contraction- food digested
fetus- HCG- ovaries- high secretion of PROGESTERONE and ESTROGEN- Menstration is suppressed