Test 2

  1. The Diffrence Between the chrysler building and the Empire Building ?
    • chrysler round top,Nyc,William VanAleen called "skypiercer.
    • Empire-nyc,Firm of Shreve ,lamb and harmon
  2. Diffrrence between Art Deco and Stream Line
    • Art Deco-Art Deco: plants, multi-color, lush surface texture
    • Streamline: machines, monochrome, smooth surface texture
  3. Know the sources and influences in Art Deco:
    Classicism, plants, exotic people, exotic materials
  4. Trylon and Perisphere
  5. Bauhaus
    • Architect-Walter Gropius
    • Place-Deasau,Germany
    • Date -1926
  6. Bahaus
    • Founded 1919 , moved to another city 1926
    • Avant Grade School taught architecture painting weave,furniture desighn
    • hitler closed buliding1993
  7. Bauhuas Unique
    • it attitude of combining Fine Arts with Applied arts
    • Fine Arts- painting music theater sculpture
    • Apllied Art- Engineering surveying indusrtial design advertising product design,package design
  8. Difference ArtDeco and International
    • Art Deco: Ecole, historic, figurative art
    • Internaitionl: Bauhaus, no history, abstract art
    • (art dec -streamlined imagery,emotionless,historic forms,Internation style cut tie of history,modern technology)
  9. "modern"
    After Industrial Relvoution -Art Nouveau,ArtDeco,Expressionism,National Romanticism
  10. "Modern"
    international style , De Stijl;,Mies,Lecoubusier,Czechs
  11. Know the work of Gerritt Rietveld: mainly the Schroeder house.
    • Named after Truus Schroder -Schrader who commisioned Gerrit Thomas Rieteveld to build a home 1924.
    • Netherlands
    • Section house upside down
  12. Know the Red and Blue chair by Gerritt Rietveld
    Made 1917
  13. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
    • Farnsworth house near Chicago - poject, clean cut
    • Barcelona Pavilion - plain 2 blocks, 2 bodies of water 1929
    • Country Villa -(not built) lines
  14. Know Mies said
    : “Less is More” and “God is in the details”
  15. Le Corbusier = early career
    • Know his 5 points:
    • 1. Use pilotis - post ground plane
    • 2. Free plan -walls not structural
    • 3. Free roof-flat roof
    • 4. Free façade -place windows wherever
    • 5. Use ribbon/strip windows - allows more light
    • Know his real family name = Charles Edouard Jeanneret
    • Fibonacci series: 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89
    • Section and plan -u,has tile,z,blank space
  16. 1. beton brut, 2. Brise soleil
    • brise-sun break fixed sun shade for windows
    • beton-rough texture,wood form work, concrete
  17. Unite'd Habitation -Le C
    • apartment -1600 ppl
    • Locations-
    • Marseilles,Frances:1946-1952
    • Nantes,Frances 1952-954
    • Berlin ,Germanyn1956-1958
    • Briey France 1957-1959
    • on stilts , look like apartment
  18. Monastery Sainte-Marie de la Torettter LeC
    • monastarey,religous community
    • Eveux near lyons France

    • Date 1953-1963
    • ope cube
    • long rectangle on plan
  19. ronchamp LeC
    coin slot , blob
  20. Carpenter Center for Visual Arts at Harvard Univ. LeC
    • s curve ,shoe windows poke out to make triangle on windows
    • teach art class
    • cambridge ,Massachusetts
    • 1963/65
  21. Frank Lloyd Wright: Fallingwater house
    • Know the name of the clients: Kaufmann family
    • square,squares,pretty built on bear run ,phittsburg
Card Set
Test 2
chrysler building , Empire Building