Micro Lab

  1. Why are primary media used?
    • Differintaite based on responses to media ingredients
    • Selectively encourage growth of certain microbes while inhibiting others
    • View chemical changes
    • Save time-(good when patient ill)
  2. Which type of media allows me to see diff bet 2 or more microbes?
  3. What tupe of media inhibits growth of some organisms while encouraging growth of others?
    Selective media
  4. What type of media contains organic substances and growth factors that encourage growth off all organisms?-including fastidious ones?
    Enriched media
  5. what is name for media NOT enriched with special componenets -but allow many types of micrbes to grow?
    A basal medium (NA-nutrient agar)
  6. What accomplished when battery of primary isolation media used?
    • Recognixe predominating organism
    • Differentiate based on responses to media ingredients
    • selectively encourage growth of ceratin microbes
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Micro Lab
Micro Lab Oct 31-Noc 4th-