Psychology Memory

  1. Identify three types of basic classes of problems
    • - Problems of inducing structure
    • - Problems of arrangement
    • - problems of transformation
  2. Identify four bariers to effective problem solving.
    • - Irrelevant information
    • - funtional fixedness
    • - mental set
    • - unnecessary constraints
  3. Identify four approaches to problem solving
    • - Trail and Error and Heuristics
    • - Forming Subgoals
    • - Searching for analogies
    • - Changing the Representation of the problem
  4. Identify the reason that intelligence tests were first developed
    To devise a test to identify mentally sub-normal children
  5. Identify David Wechsler's innovations in IQ testing
    • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (The first high-quality IQ test designed specifically for adults)
    • - less dependent on subjects' verbal ability
    • - discarded the intelligence quotient in favor of a new scoring scheme based on the normal distribution
  6. Identify common current uses of intelligence tests
    • - Psychologists
    • - Education : Schools use intelligence tests to screen for mental retardation , to group studnets according to their academic ability ("tracking"), to identify gifted children, and to evaluate educational problems
  7. Identify the kinds of questions that are on intelligence tests
    • - Varies somewhat from test to test.
    • - To manipulate words, numbers, and images through abstract reasoning
  8. State the function of deviation IQ scores
    a deviation IQ score indicates exactly where you fall in the normal distribution of intelligence
  9. Determine whether an example given on the exam shows that a test has reliability
    Reliability refers to the measurement consistency of a test
  10. Determine wheter an example given on the exam shows that a test has validity
    Vailidity refers to the ability of a test to measure what it was designed to measure
  11. Do IQ tests developed in the West ( U.S. and Europe) translate well into non-Western cultures?
    they have mixed results because of different conceptions of what intelligence is and value different mental skills
  12. Define the concept of reaction range, and how it illustrates the interaction of heredity and the environment in intelligence
    • children reared in high-quality environments that promote the development of intelligence should score near the top of their potential IQ range
    • children reared in low-quality score lower
  13. Identify the position on heritable intelligence taken by Arthur Jensen
    • (1) Intelligence is largely genetic in origin
    • (2) therefore, genetic factors are " strongly implicated" as the cause of ethnic differences in intelligence
  14. Identify the position on an intelligence-based meritocracy, taken by the authors of The Bell Curve
    That disadvantaged groups cannot avoid their fate because it is their genetic destiny
  15. Identify the explanation of differences in IQ scores based on socioeconomic disadvantage
    Scores are depressed because these children tend to grow up in deprived environments that createa disadvantage - both in school and on IQ tests
  16. Define the concept of practical intelligence
    Practical intelligence involves learning what one needs to know to work efficiently in an environment that is not explicitly taught and that often is not even verbalized
  17. Identify ways in which Howard Gardener has expanded the concept of intelligence , and the eight intelligences in Gardner's model
    • He suggested the existence of a number of relatively independent human intelligences
    • Logical-mathematical intelligence
    • Linguistic intelligence – being able to express yourself in writing and speech
    • Naturalist intelligence
    • Musical Intelligence – the ability to think in melodies,
    • compose, music
    • Spacial intelligence – the ability to think in dimensions
    • Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence – the ability
    • to move your body with precision
    • Interpersonal intelligence– good inconversation, people-person
    • Intrapersonal Intelligence- knowing yourself, what your strengths and weaknesses are
Card Set
Psychology Memory
Flashcards for intelligence