W&I Test2 (Part9)

  1. What STDs can be prevented with condom use? (4)
    • 1) Chlamydia
    • 2) Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
    • 3) Gonorrhea
    • 4) HIV some protection

    Condomes (can/can not) protects you from infection of these STDs.
  2. Discribe chlamydia.
    • Typically silent
    • •Asymptomatic
    • •Dysuria
    • •Abnormal vaginal discharge
    • Highly destructive
    • •Salpingitis: acute infection of the fallopian tubes
    • •Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
    • •Infertility

    This discribes what STD?
  3. How do you test for chlamydia?
    You test for ______with a cervical or urethral swab or urine test.
  4. What do you use to treat chylamydia. Treat both patient and partner. When shuld you retest?
    You treat ______ with Azithromycin or Doxycyline. You should retest in 3 weeks.
  5. This STD is
    –Often asymptomatic or greenish-yellow purulent endocervical discharge, pharyngitis
    •Also spread by oral-genital, genital-anal contact
    •Fertility issues
    Discribe Gonorrhea.
  6. How do you test for gonorrhea
    You test for gonorrhea with a cervical or urethral swab and urine test.

  7. How do you treat Gonorrhea.
    To treat this STD you would treat the patient and partner(s) with Rocephin or Suprax (now resistant to quinolones)
  8. Discribe Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
    An infection of the uterus (endometritis), fallopian tubes (salpingitis) related to multiple organisms, but most commonly as a result from Chlamydia or Gonorrhea exposure.
  9. What are the symptoms of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)? (8)
    Syptoms of ____ ____ disease include fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, increased vaginal discharge, dysuria, irregular bleeding, and abdominal/pelvic pain.
  10. How do you treat Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)?
    This STI is treated with broad spectrum antibiotics – inpatient or outpatient setting.
  11. What are some pregnancy risks and complications with Chlamydia? (3)
    • 1) Premature rupture of membranes (PROM)/preterm birth
    • 2) Neonatal conjunctivitis
    • 3) Neonatal pneumonia

    These are some pregnancy risks and complications with what STD?
  12. What are some pregnancy risks and complications with Gonorrhea? (5)
    • 1) Intraamniotic infection
    • 2) Preterm labor/PROM/preterm birth
    • 3) Postpartum endometritis
    • 4) Newborn sepsis
    • 5) Neonatal conjunctivitis

    These are some pregnancy risks and complications with what STD?
  13. Syphillis has three stages, discribe the Primary stage.
    • The _____ stage of syphillis is characterized by a painless papule at the site of inoculation that erodes to a large ulceration with a firm base (chancre)
    • –5-90 days following exposure
  14. What is a chancre?
    A painless papule at the site of inoculation in syphillis that erodes to a large ulceration with a firm base. This is a hard primary ulcer, the 1st sign of syphillis.
  15. Syphillis has three stages, discribe the Secondary stage.
    The _____ stage of syphillis is characterized by symmetric maculopapular rash on the palms and soles and generalized lymphadenopathy, headache, and malaise.
  16. Syphillis has three stages, discribe the Tertiary stage.
    The _____ stage of syphillis is characterized by neurologic and cardiovascular, musculoskeletal or multiorgan system complications.
  17. What is used for the initial screening for Syphillis? (2)
    • 1) Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) or
    • 2) Rapid Plasma Reagent (RPR)

    These are used for the initial screening of what STD.
  18. If you get a positive screen on the initial tests for syphillis what would you confirm with? (2)
    • Confirmation would be done with
    • 1) FTA-ABS
    • 2) MHA-TP

    These would be the confirmation tests done for what STD?
  19. What's the treatment for syphillis?
    Penicillin G benzathine or doxycycline is the treatment for what STI?
  20. What STIs will condoms not protect against? (4)
    • 1) Syphillis- if not covering the lesion
    • 2) Genital Herpes
    • 3) HPV ???
    • 4) Hep B & C
  21. What is Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction?
    This is sometimes a reaction to treatment of syphillis marked by an acute febrile reaction often accompanied by headache, myalgias, and arthralgias that develop within the 1st 24 hours of treatment.
  22. Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction is self limiting but pregnant women should be monitored for contractions and fetal movement if in the ___ or ___ trimester.
    _____-_____ reaction is self limiting but pregnant women should be monitored for contractions and fetal movement if in the 2nd or 3rd trimester.
  23. This STI hurts
    What's a big indicator of genital herpes.
  24. What are the two types of Herpes?
    • 1) HSV1 – usually oral (cold sores – not considered to be an STI unless cultured in the genital area)
    • 2) HSV2 – most often genital lesions although cross contamination is possible

    These are the two types of what STI?
  25. What is the progression of symptoms with genital herpes?
    Symptoms often begin with flu-like prodrome, then burning or tingling at site of infection, followed by eruption of painful vesicles then ulcerations at the site of infection.

    This discribes what STI?
  26. Is genital herpes curable?
    No, Its the gift "STD" that keeps on giving.
  27. How do you test for genital herpes? (2)
    • 1) Culture of active lesions
    • 2) Serum antibodies (not specific)

    These are test for what STI?
  28. How do you treat genital herpes?
    Treatment of ____ ____ is with antiviral medication – acyclovir, valacyclovir, famvir.
  29. Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, and Famvir would be used ot treat what STD?
    What would be used to treat genital herpes?
  30. What are some patient teachings with genital herpes? (3)
    • 1) Patients need to be educated on handwashing, limiting sexual contact during outbreaks and prodrome
    • 2) Virus can be shed even at times when patient is not experiencing an outbreak
    • 3) Condoms do not protect

    These are patient teachings with what STD?
  31. What are some pregnancy risks with Syphillis? (4)
    • 1) Miscarriage
    • 2) Preterm labor/birth
    • 3) Congenital infection
    • 4) Stillbirth

    These are some pregnancy risks with what STD?
  32. What are some pregnancy risks with Herpies simplex. (3)
    • 1) Systemic infection in the newborn
    • 2) Cesarean delivery if active lesions
    • 3) Acyclovir OK in pregnancy (book states otherwise)

    These are some pregnancy risks with what STD
  33. Define Condyloma accuminatum.
    A wart, typically found on teh genitals, the perineum, the anus, or the sucosal suraces of the vagina or mouth. It is caused by various types of human papilloma virus.
  34. Define Dysuria.
    Painful or difficult urination.
  35. Define Dyspareunia.
    Pain in the labia, vagina, or pevis during or after sexual intercouse.
  36. Define Kernicterus.
    A form of jundice occuring in newborns during the second to eighth day after birth. The prognosis is poor if left untreated.
Card Set
W&I Test2 (Part9)
TORCH/STI infections powerpoint