What is tested for in the screen of FeCl2
- phenylketonuria
- tyrosinemia
- maple syrup urine disease
- alcaptonuria
- ketonuria
What is tested for in the screen of Reducing substances
glucose, galactose, fructose, lactose, sialic acid,.
What is tested for in the screen for Nitroprusside sodium
- ketones
- cystine
- homocysteine
What is tested for in the screen of Azure
Heel-prick tests for
- maple syrup urine disease
- homocystinuria
- tyrosinemia
- Medium chain Acetyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiecy
- biotinase deficiency
- galactosemia
- adrenal hyperplasia
- hypothyroidism
sickle cell disease
Acetone, fruit smell
diabetic ketoacidosis
chlorine-like smell
hawkinsinuria (tyrosine pathway)
sweaty feet
isovaleric acidemia (leucine pathway)
maple syrup urine disease (Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine)
drying hops
- oast house syndrome
- (mehtionine)
ammonia smell
- methylmalonic aciduria
- (odd-chain fa, aa)
- propionic acidemia
- (Ile, Val, Thr, Met)
mouse urine smell
fish smell
- trimehtylaminuria
- (choline, carnitine)