- Osteoclast inhibitor
- Estrogen derivative
- decrease after menaupause, contributes to osteoperosis
- Pituatary growth hormone
- promote epithyseal plate growth
- somatotrophin --> somatomedin C (liver producted) --> chondrocyte division-->epithyseal plate growth
- interstitial(epithyseal) endochondrial growth
- def. leads to achondroplasia
Hyalin cartilage
- Type II collagen with proteoglycan aggregates
- Fetal skeleton
- articular surface of bones
- nasal cartilage, larnyx
- tracheal rings and bronchial plates
- most have perichondrium
- articular and epiphyseal plates does not have perichondrium (they grow by interstitial rather than appositional growth)
Cartilage peoteoglycan aggregates
- aggrecans
- --chondrotin sulfate
- --keratan sulfate
- hyaluronans
Hyalin cartilage bone formation
- with perchondrium -- appositional growth
- without perichondrium -- interstitial growth
- both are considered endochondrial in babies
Elastic cartilage
- haylin with elastic fibers
- grows via perichondium but does not form bone, no calcification
Fibro cartilage
- Type 1/2 cartilage
- no pericondrium
- Condrocytes spit out type II collagen
- Fibroblasts spit out type I collagen
- Strong and resists deformity
- at areas like annulus fibrosis of vertebras, pubic symphasis and meniscis of the knee
Osteal clasts
- fusion of many CFU-mono derived osteoblasts
- Forms Howship lacuna when digesting bone
- uses H2CO3 acid to dissolve inorganic
- enzymes to eat organic material
- main tains bone and calcium homeostasis
- transduces pressure signals
- secrets osteoid
- forms lacunea
Osteon canals
- Haversian - longitudenal
- Volkman's - transverse/horizontal
- Controls plasma calcium levels by decreaseing Ca release
- Parafollicular cells of the thyroid ( but less important than parathyroid because Di-George syndrom would produce hypocalcimia rather than hyper or normal)
- inhibits osteoclasts -like estradiol
- decrease serum calcium
Parathyroid Hormone
- Controls plasma calium levels by increase Ca release
- stimulates soteoblasts to produce osteoclast stimulating hormone
- increase osteoclast activity breaks down bown and release calcium into blood
- Absence (Di-George syndrom) results in hypocalcimia
Vita D def.
- Rickets --> deformed bones
- decrease ossification at epiphysial plate
- osteomalcia --> prego decrease in vita D
- Calcium absoprtion
Thyroid, parathyroid, pituatary control of bone
- Thyroid --> calcitonin --> keep bone
- Parathyroid -->PTH --> remove bone
- Pituatary --> Somatotropin -->grows bone
Muscles of the eye - dilator pupillae
neuro ectoderm origin
- sarcomere component
- attaches actin (thin filiment) to Z line
- Sarcomere component
- attaches myosin (thick filiment) to Z line
C protein / M protein of sarcormere
- structural support that binds myosin to other myosin (middle of A band)
- M protein also attaches to Creatine Kinase
Dystrophin / Dyestroglycan
- Dystrophin attaches actin (as a part of sarcomere) to the sarcolema
- alpha dystroglycan attaches muscle cells to the basal lamina
SK muscle Triad
- T-tuble (continuation of sarcolema) invaginate between I-band and A-band
- Sarcoplasmic reticulum forms 2x terminal cisterns
- complexed to spread excitation signal
DHP receptor
- Voltage gated muscle membrand receptor that changes confirmation upon sarcoplasma depolerization
- Shape change open Ryanodine receptors
- Opens Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+ store
- contraction elicited from increase in sarcoplasmic Ca2+
- Globular control protein
- 3 sections
- Ca2+ binding
- Actin binding
- Tropo
Muscle Spindle
- Muscle strech receptors - will not contract
- Intrafusal fibers has sensory fibers wraped around nuclear cain/big fibers
- motor nerve innervation will not produce contraction, will adjust sensitivity
- Extrafusal fibers will get somatic nerve innervation
- blocks ACh vesicle release
- muscle paralysis
Myathenia gravis
- Produce ACh Receptor Auto-antibody
- Blocks post synaptic excitation
- ACh-esterase inhibitor to treat
Cardiac Muscle Interculated Disks
- Transverse Section - Desmosomes to attach cells together
- Longitudenal Sections - Gap junction functionality
Lipofasin granuels
- In cardiac cells
- or any cells that doesn't die
- things they can't digest
Cardiac Di-ads
- ONE Small terminal cistern
- Large T-tuble ON the Z-line
Secretory Cardia Cells
- Atrial Natiuretic polypeptide secreting cells
- ANF decreases blood pressure by decrease blood volume by decrease Na reabsorption
Regeneration of Muscle cells
- Cardia - no regeneration
- Skeleto - satellite cells regenerate
- Smooth - mesenchymal precursor freely regenerated
Smooth muscle excitation contraction
- Receptor mediated signaling cascade
- IP3/DAG production from receptor binding to post synaptic neurotransmittor
- IP3/DAG stimulate Ca release
- Ca+ activates Calmodulin --> phosporylate (act.) Myosin light chain kinase --> phosporylate (act.) myosin light chains exposing myosin actin binding sites
Smooth muscle contraction signals
- Neuro transmittor --> Ach
- Physical stimuli --> stretching
- Hormones --> Oxitocin
Smooth muscle gap junction
Dense bodies
- Smooth muscle alpha actin anchors
- No sarcomere, actin organized by anchors
- Contraction produces cork screw deformities
Graded singlar potential
- NMJ single twitch wise contraction of muscles
- Smooth muscles capable of prolonged slow contraction
Myoepithelial cells
- Ectoderm progenitor (muscle is mesoderm)
- Expells secretions
- sweat gland, mammary gland, lacrimal gland, and salivary gland.
Wound contraction with myosin and actin