Clin Path E2/4

  1. Normal CSF contains ____
    • Few Mononuclear Cells
    • (Mono, Lympho)
  2. Normal CSF lacks:
    • Neuts
    • RBC’s
  3. What causes CSF Glucose to decrease?
  4. What causes elevated CSF CPK?
    Nerve Cell Damage
  5. What elevates CSF IgM?
    • Distemper
    • Toxoplasma
    • Corona Virus/Dry FIP
  6. What is a crude method to test for presence of globulin in CSF?
    Pandy Test (Carboxylic Acids)
  7. Increased TP and roundcells/mononuclear cells in CSF =>
    Viral, Protozoa or fungal infection
  8. Increased Karyolyzed Neut, TP & NCC in CSF =>
  9. Increased EOS in CSF =>
    • Hypersensitivity
    • Larval Migration
    • Protozoal Infection
  10. Which type of resp. exam method can only be used for cytology (no cultures)?
    Nasal Aspirates
  11. A normal Nasal Lavage =>
    • Simonsiella (norm. flora)
    • Few Epithelial Cells
    • RBC
    • WBC
  12. How is normal nasal microflora differentiated from pathogenic bacteria?
    • Pathogenic:
    • Intracellular
    • Karyolyzed Neuts
    • Monomorphic Bact
    • (norm= mixed type bacteria & extracellular)
  13. Which method is readily used for culture?
  14. An increased of nucleated (Lymph, MO & Neut) cells from a TTL/BAL=>
    • -Chronic Inflammation-
    • Non-Septic Inflammation
    • Resolving Infection
    • Neoplasia
  15. ++ Clumps of pink, amorphis material w/ inflammatory cells from a TTL/BAL=>
  16. ++EOS from a TTL/BAL=>
    • -Hypersensitivty-
    • Parasitic Pneumonia (HW)
    • Allergic Pneumotitis/Bronchitis
    • Asthma
  17. ++RBC’s and MO’s w/ RBC’s=>
  18. Acute VS Chronic pulmonary hemorrhage
    • Acute= Erythrophagocytes (red-purple RBCs inside)
    • Chronic= Hemosiderophages (Brown RBCs inside)
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Clin Path E2/4
Clin Path E2/4