Psych. Ch. 6 Sect. 2

  1. Brain's Three Parts
    • hindbrain
    • midbrain
    • forebrain
  2. Hindbrain
    • located near base of skull
    • involved w/ most basic processes of life
    • -made up of cerebellum, medulla, and pons
  3. Cerebellum
    • part of hindbrain
    • helps control posture/ balance
  4. Medulla
    • part of hindbrain
    • controls breathing and reflexes
  5. Pons
    • part of hindbrain
    • involved in producing chemicals for sleep
  6. Midbrain
    • located above the pons
    • integrates sensory info. & relays it upward
  7. brain stem
    • made up basically by Medulla, pons, & midbrain
    • spanned across by Reticular Activating System (RAS)- alerts rest of brain of incoming signals
  8. Forebrain
    location- covering brain's centeral core
  9. Thalamus
    • part of forebrain
    • Integrates sensory output
  10. Hypothalamus
    • part of forebrain
    • controls hunger, thirst, sexual behavior
  11. Cerebral Cortex & Cerebum
    • outer and inner layer of forebrain
    • C.C.- allows us to see, read, & understand
    • C.- where conscious thinking process occurs
  12. Limbic System
    • found in core of forebrain
    • regulate emotions and motivations
    • made up of/includes:
    • -amygdala- violent emotions
    • -thalamus
    • -hippocampus- new memories formation
  13. Lobes
    diff. regions that the cerebral cortex is divided
  14. Lobe types
    • Pariental lobe- body sensations/ senses
    • Temporal lobes- hearing, memory, emotion, speaking
    • Frontal lobes- organization, planning, creative thinking
    • Primary somatosensory cortex- recieves info.
    • Primary motor cortex- fine movement control
    • Occipital lobe- vision
  15. Left Hemisphere
    • Mathematical, calculation, logic
    • - (mathematical, verbal, analytic)
    • *
  16. Right Hemispehere
    • Nonverbal, Spatial, holistic
    • -creativity, intuition
    • *
  17. Corpus Calosum
    • connects both sides of the brain
    • severed in cases of severe epileptic seizures
  18. Electroencephalograph (EEG)
    machine that records electrical activity of brain
  19. Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT) scans
    • used to study brain
    • -pinpoint injuries & brain deterioration
  20. Positron Emission Topography (PET) scans
    used to see areas of brain that activate while performing tasks
  21. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
    used to study brain structure & activity
  22. functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
    like MRI, except doesnt use radio frequencies, better picture
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Psych. Ch. 6 Sect. 2