
  1. A separatist group who called for a total break from England. King James attacked them for rejecting England’s official church. They moved to Holland, then asked of they could move to VA. In 1620 they landed in Plymouth, MA
  2. An agreement signed by the men aboard the Mayflower for the sake of order. In it they vowed to obey laws agreed upon for the good of the colony.
    Mayflower Compact
  3. A religious group that left England between 1630 and 1640 to escape bad treatment by Kimg James I. Unlike the Separatists, they wanted to reform or “purify” its practices.
  4. The term used to describe the many thousands of Puritans who left their homeland to found new settlements around the world. About 20,000 crossed the Atlantic and settled in new England.
    Great Migration
  5. In 1636 Thomas Hooker moved his congregation to the Connecticut Valley. He set up these laws, or a constitution, that extended voting rights to non-church members and limited the power of the governor.
    Fundamental orders of Connecticut
  6. A minister from Salem, MA, who disagreed with the New England Way. He founded the first Baptist Church in America. He opposed forced attendance at church. He also opposed the English colonists taking taking of Native Americans land by force.
    Roger Williams
  7. Believed that a person could worship God without the help of a church, minister, or Bible. She held discussions at her home that challenged church authority. She was brought to trial and forced to leave MA, she moved to Rhode Island.
    Anne Hutchinson
  8. A brutal war that the Colonists fought in 1675-1676 against the Native Americans. “King Phillip” was the English name of Metacom, leader of the Wampanoag. To help fight the war, Metacom organized an alliance of tribes. The Wampanoag lost the war, many were killed, many were sold to the West Indies as slaves.
    King Phillips War
  9. The ship that carried the Pilgrims to Plymouth, MA in 1620. They were headed to VA but were blown north off course
  10. Girls accused others of witchcraft, which was considered illegal. Those accused were forced to name others as witches. More than 100 people were arrested and tried. Of those, 20 were found guilty and put to death.
    Salem Witchcraft trials
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history 1620