Started popular sovereignty
Lewis Cass
Whigs elect in 1848
Zachary Taylor
Immortal trio
Henry Clay, John Calhoun, Daniel Webster
Clay nickname
Great pacificator
Calhoun nickname
Great nullifier
God's moral law is higher than the constitutions
William H. Seward
Took over Tyler
Millard Fillmore
Won election of 1852
Franklin Pierce (Dem)
President of Nicaragua
William Walker (1856)
Treaty that stopped Americans and British from monopolizing isthmian waterway
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
Ship seized by Spanish
Black Warrior
Foiled plan to take over Cuba
Ostend Manifesto
Bought area for transcontinental railroad
Davis amd Gadsden
Proposed Nebraska-Kansas act
Stephen Douglas
Book on horror's of slavery
Uncle Tom's Cabin (Stowe)
Book on how non-slaveholding whites suffer
Impeding Crisis of the South (Helper) 1857
Helped people go to Kansas
New England Emmigrant Aid Company
Slave backed government at
Shawnee (corrupt)
Abolition backed government
Town burned by pro-slave whites
5 men hacked to death
Pottawatomie Creek
Kansas document which wa unfair and only one section voted for
Lecompton Resolution
Divided democrats w/ this resolution
Buchanan, Lecompton
Made a speech about and was beat up by
Sumner, Butler, Brooks
First republican candidate
John C. Fr�mont
This party was created out of the election of 1856 and chose thi person a its candidate
Know-Nothing, Pres. Fillmore
Forbade congress from taking away property
5th Ammendment
Lowered tariffs
Tariffs of 1857
No matter what the supreme court ruled, the people are in power
Freeport Doctrine
Alternative camdidate chosen by Dems
New party and its cadidate in election of 1860
Constitutional Union Party, John Bell
Appeasements to the South after
Crittenden ammendments