1. CH 2
  2. chapter preview
    p 26
  3. propositionality
    p 26
  4. people say stupid things
    p 27
  5. literature media and personality profiles
    p 28 - top of 30
  6. understanding stuttering
    p 30
  7. definition of stuttering
    p 30
  8. fluency
    p 30
  9. stuttering
    p 30
  10. history of stuttering
    p 30
  11. stuttering is universal
    p 31
  12. stuttering behaviors
    p 31
  13. repetitions
    bottom p 31 thru p 32
  14. continuant
    p 32
  15. block
    p 32
  16. incidence
    p 32
  17. prevalence
    p 32
  18. types of dysfluent speech
    p 33
  19. normal nonfluencies
    p 33
  20. fluent speech
    p 33
  21. normally dysfluent
    p 33
  22. categories of dysfluent speech in children
    p 33
  23. confirmed stuttering
    p 34
  24. developmental stuttering
    p 34
  25. normal dysfluencies and professional speakers
    p 34
  26. developmental stuttering
    p 35
  27. causes of stuttering: theories
    p 35
  28. etiology
    p 35
  29. parental diagnostic questionnaire
    p 36
  30. etiology of stuttering
    p 37
  31. psychological theories
    p 37
  32. safe manifestation of a deep rooted psychological disorder; no attempt should be made to cure people who stuttered until the stutterer first went thorugh intensive psychotherapy
    p 37
  33. learning theories
    p 38
  34. desensitization
    p 38
  35. stuttering: speech dysfluency is rewarded
    p 38
  36. organic theories
    p 39
  37. organs of speech
    p 39
  38. stuttering and learning theory model
    p 39
  39. stuttering runs in families
    p 40
  40. for every girl that develops stuttering 3 boys will have the problem
    p 40
  41. multiple cause theory
    p 41
  42. characteristics of stuttering
    p 41
  43. stuttering and singing
    p 41
  44. stuttering and nonthreatening audiences
    p 42
  45. stuttering speech cues and self consciousness
    p 42
  46. stuttering and noise
    p 42
  47. stuttering and delayed auditory feedback
    p 42
  48. stuttering and other variables
    p 43
  49. key aspects of stuttering
    p 43
  50. variability of stuttering
    p 43
  51. what is heard
    p 43
  52. what is seen
    what is felt
    p 44
  53. pavlovian conditioning
    effects on personality
    p 45
  54. the prevention of stuttering in children
    strategies for parents and teachers
    p 46
  55. suggestions for parents and teachers to reduce self consciousness

    professional treatment of stuttering
    p 47
  56. types of therapy
    cure versus control
    p 49
  57. treating essential aspects of stuttering
    treating stuttering: what is heard
    p 49
  58. operant conditioning

    treating stuttering: what is seen
    p 50
  59. relaxation therapy

    treating stuttering: what is felt

    p 51
  60. treating stuttering effects on personality

    self esteem

    deconditioning stuttering responses
    p 52
  61. effectiveness on treatment

    stuttering is easier to prevent than to cure
    p 53
  62. other fluency disorders

    literature and media sterotypes
    p 54
  63. differences between stuttering and cluttering
    p 55
  64. summary
    p 56
  65. CH 3
  66. chapter preview
    p 58
  67. human resonating system
    -vocal resonance

    respiration and voice
    p 59
  68. literature media and personality profiles
    p 60- top 62
  69. the biological pump
    -boyle's law
    p 62
  70. the larynx
    -intrinsic laryngeal
    fundamental frequency
    p 63
  71. continuous vocal cord vibration
    p 64
  72. the pitch changing mechanism
    p 65
  73. subglottal air pressure
    aerodynamic and muscular forces in voice production
    aerodynamic myoelastic principle of voice production
    p 66
  74. voice quality
    -nonverbal communication
    causes of differences in voice quality
    p 67
  75. the helium voice
    descriptions of voice quality
    -breathy quality
    p 68
  76. harsh quality
    p 69
  77. hoarse quality
    other terms for voice quality
    hard glottal attack
    p 70
  78. disorders of resonance
    -cleft lip and palate
    p 70
  79. some clinical terms and definitions for voice quality

    cleft lip & palate
    bilateral cleft
    unilateral cleft
    submucous cleft palates
    bifid uvula
    p 71
  80. velopharyngeal incompetence
    cleft palate team
    p 72
  81. specialists on a cleft palate team
    voice disorders
    - evaluation of voice disorders
    p 73
  82. stroboscope
    vocal cord paralysis
    causes of vocal cord paralysis
    -myoneural junction
    -unilateral adductor paralysis
    treatment of vocal cord paralysis
    p 74
  83. cancer and other diseases of the larynx
    p 75
  84. laryngetomy
    alaryngeal speech
    -esophageal speech
    p 76
  85. esphageal speech: i want to talk
    psychogenic voice disorders
    -conversion reaction
    p 77
  86. hysterical aphonia
    hysterical dysphonia
    treatement of psychogenic voice disorders
    disorders related to vocal strain and abuse
    p 78
  87. contact ulcers
    causative factors
    -optimal pitch
    -habitual pitch
    p 79
  88. finding your optimal pitch
    treatement of disorders related to vocal strain and abuse
    p 80
  89. literature and media stereotypes
    p 81
  90. summary
    p 83
  91. CH 6
  92. we are born into a world of sound
    p 137
  93. literature media and personality profiles
    p 138-top 140
  94. the study and treatment of hearing disorders
    teachers of the hearing impaired
    p 140
  95. speech language pathologists
    the range of human hearing
    professionals and their responsibilities in evaluating and treating people with hearing disorders
    p 141
  96. evolutionary basis to hearing
    bel hearing and energy transformation
    -acoustic energy stage
    p 142
  97. rarefaction
    mechanical energy stage
    -tympanic membrane
    -external ear
    p 143
  98. energy transmission
    ossicles: malleus incus and stapes
    eustachian tube
    p 144
  99. if a tree falls in the forest
    hydraulic energy stage
    the eyes are to vision as the cochlea is to hearing
    p 145
  100. organ of corti
    sound localization
    p 146
  101. pressure changes
    p 147
  102. bone conduction
    electrochemical (neural) energy stage
    -cranial nerves
    hearing and speech acoustics
    p 148
  103. formants
    the types of hearing loss
    p 149
  104. general categories of hearing loss
    conductive hearing loss
    p 150
  105. middle ear dysfunction and conductive hearing loss
    -otitis media
    sensorineural hearing loss
    -sensorineural hearing loss
    p 151
  106. hearing education and awareness for rockers
    central auditory processing disorders
    -central auditory defects
    -cortical deafness
    -pure-word deafness
    -auditory agnosia
    -acoustic agnosia
    p 152
  107. hearing assessment
    -comprehensive hearing test
    otoscopic examination
    pure-tone audiometry
    p 153
  108. -audiogram
    -air-conditioning testing
    -bone conduction testing
    -mastoid process
    -air bone gap
    speech audiometry
    acoustic immittance audiometry
    p 154
  109. impedance
    acoustic immittance audiometry
    acoustic reflex
    acoustic reflex
    evoked response audiometry
    otoacoustic emission testing
    Aural habilitation and rehabilitation
    hearing aids
    p 155
  110. aural habilitation and rehabilitation
    auditory training
    auditory discrimination
    lip reading
    p 156
  111. total communication approach
    medical and surgical treatment
    -cochlear implant
    literature and media stereotypes
    p 157
  112. summary
    p 158
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