- any condition which results in, or could result in, the response of a
- public official in an authorized emergency vehicle or any condition that
- jeopardizes public safety and results or could result in evacuation
Obstructing executive officers (by use of threats or force)PC 69
- -by means of threat or violence
- -to deter or prevent-any executive officer from the performance of that officer's duties, or-knowingly resist any executive officer
- -by the use of force or violence-in the performance of that officer's duties
Providing false identificationPC 148.9
- any person who-falsely represent or ID oneself as another person (real or fictional)
- -to a peace officer-upon a lawful detention or arrest
- -to evade the --process of the court, or--proper id of that person by an investigating officer
Falsely reporting a criminal offense PC 148.5
- every person who
- -reports to any peace officer, DA, deputy DA
- -that a felony or misdemeanor has been committed
- -knowing that the report is false
Executive officers
- charged with enforcing the law
- -peace officers
- -DA's
- -city attorneys
- -police commissioners
Public Officer
- -building inspectors
- -health inspectors, et al
Falsely reporting an emergencyPC 148.3(a)
- any individual
- -reports, or causes any report to be made
- -to a specific governmental department agency
- -that an emergency exists
- -knowing that such a report is false
If the report is likely to cause great bodily harm - F
Resisting, delaying, or obstructing any public officer, peace officer, or EMTPC 148(a)(1)
- -every person who
- -willfully resists, delays, or obstructs
- -any public officer, peace officer, or EMT
- -in the discharge or the attempt to discharge
- -any duty of that officer's office or employment.
Falsely reporting a destructive devicePC 148.1(a)
- any person
- -reports to specified personnel
- -that a bomb or other explosive
- -has been, or will be
- -placed or hidden
- -in any public or private place
- -knowing that the report is false
PC 136.1
Intimidation of witnesses or victims
PC 140
Threatening witnesses or victims in retaliation
PC 166(a)(4)
Violating a court order
PC 148(b)
Resisting or taking a weapon other than a firearm
PC 148(c) and (d)
Taking or attempting to remove a firearm from a Peace Officer
PC 836.6
- M - Non Violent
- F - Violent
PC 407
Unlawful assembly
PC 416(a)
Refusal to disperse