Chapter Test 2

  1. What are the four functions of the Muscualr System?
    • Movements
    • Balance
    • Protection
    • Produced Heat
  2. What are the major types of muscles?
    • Skeletal
    • Cardiac
    • Smooth
  3. What is the Skeletal Muscles Location, Control, contraction and characteristics?
    • Attached to the bone
    • voluntary
    • shortening
    • straited (striped)
  4. What connects muscles to the bone?
  5. what are tough fibrous connective tissues that cover entire muscle groups?
  6. Which cover is immediately under the facsia?
  7. What wraps group of muscle bundle?
  8. Which wraps individual muscle fibers?
  9. Movement is cause by shortening of what? What is this called?
    • myofibrilis
    • sliding theory
  10. What are the two types of myofibrils?
    • Actin: thin filament
    • Myosin: thick filament
  11. Two types of production of energy for muscles?
    • Aerobic: Creates ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
    • Anaerobic: Creatine phosphate (CP)
  12. Aerobic
    • Slow twitch: longduration: NO lactic acid
    • Fast twitch: short bursts: YES lactic acid
  13. What does lactic acid cause?
    Muscle Fatigue
  14. What is a muscle spasm?
    Cramp or lack of electrolytes
  15. What is it called when the muscle is attatched to a "fixed" bone?
  16. What is it called when a muscle is attatched to a "moveable" bone?
  17. what is the main muscle that effects movement called?
    Prime Mover
  18. Which is the helper muscle that helps the Prime Mover?
  19. Which muscle works opposite of the Prime Mover?
  20. Tough flat fibrous tissues connecting 2 muscles?
  21. Tough fiber that connects bones?
  22. Any injury to the tendon & muscle?
  23. Any injury to the ligament?
  24. Muscles are named according to what?
    • Shape
    • Action
    • Muscle Fiber Direction
    • Size
    • Location
  25. Bend at the joint?
  26. Straighten the joint?
  27. Away from the mid-line?
  28. Rotation?
    Twist at the Axis
  29. Circumduction?
    "Circular" motion
  30. Adduction?
    Towards the mid-line
  31. Eversion?
    Out wards movement
  32. Inversion
    In wards movement
  33. Supination
    Palm UP
  34. Pronation?
    Palm DOWN
  35. Dorsiflextion?
    Toes UP
  36. Plantaflextion?
    Toes DOWN
  37. Motor unit is made up of?
    • Nerve
    • Nerve terminal
    • Synapse
    • Muscle fibers
  38. Principle Neuro Transmitter?
  39. Endo?
  40. What secretes into the blood and is trasported to specific TARGET organs/cells thereby affecting their functions?
  41. Which Glands are in the head?
    • Hypothalamus
    • Pineal Gland
    • Pituitary Gland
  42. TSH?
    Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone
  43. ACTH
    Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
  44. Growth Hormone?
    Stimulates all Cells
  45. Leutenizing Hormone(LM)
    Stimulates Ovaries & Testis
  46. Follicle Stimulating Hormone(FSH)?
    Stimulates eggs & sperms production and growth
  47. Prolactin
    stimulates Milk formation
  48. Oxytocin
    Stimulates Uterine contraction/ejaculation
  49. Vasopressin (ADH)-Anti-diuretic hormone
    Stimulates kidenys to conserve H2O
  50. What Gland are in the Neck?
    • Thyroid Gland
    • Parathyroid Gland
  51. What Gland are in the Chest?
    Thymus Gland (regulates T-cells)
  52. What Gland are in the abdomen?
    • Pancreas - Insulin - keeps blood sugar DOWN
    • Glucagon - Release Sugar from liver - keeps blood sugar UP
  53. Adrenal Glands?
    • Cortisol(steroid)- affect ALL cells
    • Aldosterone- regulates electrolytes
    • Epinephrine(adrenalin) - neuro transmitter
  54. What glands are in the Pelvic cavity?
    • Ovaries - Estrogen
    • Testis - Testoserone
  55. Types og Howmones?
    • Steroid - easily enters ALL cells
    • Non-steroid - All hormones - needs receptors on cell membrane
Card Set
Chapter Test 2
muscular system and nutrition