Describe Annelida
- Bilaterally Symetrical (cephalization)
- Exhibit metamerism
- Hydrostatic Skeleton
- Complete Digestive Tract
- Closed Circulatory System
- Respiration by gills, skin, or parapodia
- Well developed nervous system and sense organs
- Excretion by paired metanephridia
- Chitinous Setae in all but leeches
- Sexual Reproduction, Monoecious & Dioecious
Phylum Annelida Classes
Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, Hirudinea
Class Polychaeta Genuses
Nereis, Aphrodita
Class Oligochaeta Genuses
Class Hirudinea Genuses
a repeating body segment
the division of the body into a series of similar segments, each containing repeating arrangements of organs and systems
Discuss Annelid Anatomy - Clitellum:
used for reproduction
Discuss Annelid Anatomy - Closed Circulatory System:
no heart, instead a series of aortic arches.enlarged blood vessels which carry out the function of a heart
Discuss Annelid Anatomy - Complete Digestive Tract:
- pumping pharynx → through esophages then through crop (storage unit
- somewhat like our stomach) → into gizzard (used to grind the food) →
- down a long intestine
Discuss Annelid Anatomy - Metanephridia:
excretion, each segment has a pair
Discuss Annelid Anatomy - Nephridiopore:
opening to nephridium
Assess the distinguishing characteristics for the annelid class Polychaeta:
feet that stick out on the side. Keeps water moving across them for respiration
Assess the distinguishing characteristics for the annelid class Oligochatea:
- no parapodia
- typhlosole
- clitellum
- gizzaard
Assess the distinguishing characteristics for the annelid class Hirudinea
- Anterior and Posterior suckers
- no hydrostatic skeleton
- most are free living scavengers
increases surface area in the intestine, which improves the efficiency of digestion and absorption.
Contrast the various strategies used by annelids to obtain food: Polychaetes
- filter feeding with radioles
- active predator
- detritus feeding with tentacles
Contrast the various strategies used by annelids to obtain food: Oligochaetes
Detritus feeding with pumping pharynx
Contrast the various strategies used by annelids to obtain food: Hirudineans
predators, detritus & fluid feeding with proboscis or cutting plates
Contrast reproduction among annelid classes: Polychaeta
- Dioecious
- no permanent sex organs
- no clitellum
- external fertilization
Contrast reproduction among annelid classes: Oligochaeta
- Monecious
- permantant sex organs
- permanant clitellum
- internal ferlization
Contrast reproduction among annelid classes: Hirudineans
- monoecious
- permanent sex organs
- temporary clitellum
- internal fertilization
compare and contrast the nervous system of the three worm phyla: platyhelminthes, nematoda, annelida.
- platyhelminthes: Nervous Ladder Type
- nematoda: Ganglia and Nerve Cords
- annelida: Well developed
compare and contrast the digestive system of the three worm phyla: platyhelminthes, nematoda, annelida.
- platyhelminthes: Incomplete Digestive Tract
- nematoda: Complete Digestive Tract
- annelida: Complete Digestive Tract
compare and contrast the circulatory systems of the three worm phyla: platyhelminthes, nematoda, annelida.
- platyhelminthes: None
- nematoda: None
- annelida: Closed
compare and contrast the excretory systems of the three worm phyla: platyhelminthes, nematoda, annelida.
- platyhelminthes: flame cells
- nematoda:
- annelida: Paired Metanephridia
compare and contrast the reproductive systems of the three worm phyla: platyhelminthes, nematoda, annelida.
- platyhelminthes: mainly sexual, most monecious
- nematoda: Sexual Reproduction, most Monecious
- annelida: Sexual Reproduction, Monecious & Dioecious
Phylum Arthopoda
- Advanced metamerism resulting in tagmata
- Highly adaptable jointed appendages
- Highly adaptable exoskeleton and complexmuscle system
- Open circulatory system
- Complete digestive tract
- Respiration by gills, book gills, booklungs, body surface, and tracheae
- Well developed nervous system with complexsense organs
- Excretion through coxal, antennal andmaxillary glands, and Malpighian tubules
- Sexual reproduction – dioecious, internalfertilizers, most exhibiting metamorphosis
Discuss Arthopod ecological information:
- over 1.2 million extant species
- found from polar to tropical regions and in the bodies of other organisms
- found on land, in the air and fresh and marine waters
Phylum Arthopoda Subphylums
Chelicerata, Crustacea, Myriapoda, Hexapoda
Subphylum Chelicerata Classes
Merostomata, Arachnida
Subphylum Crustacea Classes
Maxillopoda, Malacostraca
Subphylum Myriapoda Classes
Chilopoda, Diplopoda
Subphylum Hexapoda Classes
Class Merostomata
Genus Limulus
Class Arachnida
Orders: Araneae (spiders), Scorpionida (scorpions), Opiliones (harvestmen), Acari (ticks)
Class Maxillopoda
Subclass Cirripedia
Class Malacostraca
Order Isopoda, Decapoda
Order Araneae
Latrodectus, Loxosceles
Subclass Cirripedia
Order Isopoda
Order Decapoda
Penaeus, Cancer
Evaluate the six reasons for arthropod abundance and diversity
- a versatile and adaptable exoskeleton. Chitin, Tergum, Sternum, Pleura. Held together by ligaments. Enables them to crawl up walls and to fly.
- Advanced segmentation and paired appendages. Enables them to crawl, outrun, move quickly.
- Oxygen pumped directly to the tissues. More oxygen = more atp. More ATP = more energy for life.
- Highly developed sense organs
- complex behavioral patterns
- limited intraspecific competition through metamorphosis
carbohydrate that provides structure. Lighter than protein.
The acquiring, regulating and maintaining of body temperature through physiological and behavioral means
Physiological Thermoregulation:
using body structures to generate, maintain, or release heat
Behavioral Thermoregulation:
using body actions an movements to obtain, maintain, or release heat.
- Two body segments: cephalothorax (prosoma) and abdomen (opisthosoma)
- Six pair of appendages: one pair of chelicerae, one pair of pedipalps and four pair of walking legs
- no antennae or mandibles