Hawaiian Verbs

  1. käpï
    to sprinkle/to dash
  2. kau
    to add/to put/to place
  3. palai
    to fry
  4. häpola
    to spread (as butter)
  5. käwili
    to mix (wet ingredients)
  6. hui pü
    to combine (dry ingredients only)
  7. a'o
    to teach/to learn
  8. ala
    to awake
  9. 'ai
    to eat
  10. 'au'au
    to swim/to bathe
  11. 'ike
    to see
  12. inu
    to drink
  13. 'ölelo
    to speak
  14. to cry
  15. ha'i
    to tell
  16. hana
    to work
  17. häpai
    to carry
  18. he'enalu
    to surf
  19. hele
    to go
  20. hele wäwae
    to walk
  21. helu
    to count
  22. heluhelu
    to read
  23. hiamoe
    to sleep
  24. hö'ike
    to show/to test
  25. holo
    to ride/to run
  26. ho'oikaika ino
    to exercise
  27. ho'okani pila
    to play music
  28. ho'olele
    to fly
  29. ho'olohe
    to listen
  30. ho'oma'ema'e
    to clean
  31. ho'omana'o
    to remember
  32. ho'omo'a
    to cook
  33. pani
    to close/to shut
  34. ho'opau
    to finish
  35. ho'i
    to return
  36. ho'opa'a ha'awina
    to study
  37. huaka'i
    to travel
  38. hula
    to dance (trad.)
  39. kahaki'i
    to draw
  40. käkau
    to write
  41. kaliwa
    to drive
  42. ki'i
    to get
  43. kipa
    to visit
  44. kökua
    to help
  45. komo
    to wear/to enter
  46. kono
    to invite
  47. to stand
  48. küa'i hele
    to shop
  49. lanakila (v)
    to win
  50. lawai'a
    to fish
  51. lele
    to jump
  52. lomi
    to massage
  53. lu'u
    to dive
  54. mälama
    to care for
  55. mana'o
    to think
  56. nänä
    to watch
  57. noho
    to live/to sit
  58. pä'ani
    to play
  59. pä'ina
    to party
  60. pi'i
    to climb
  61. poina
    to forget
  62. pule
    to pray
  63. wehe
    to open
Card Set
Hawaiian Verbs
Hawaiian Verbs