absolute dating method in which the magnetic field runs between poles; polarity changes-irregular intervals; magnetic particles align towards poles; sedimentary rock
paleomagnetic reversals
subdivision of haplorhines; nwm; have broad, flat noses, outward pointing nostrils, diurnal; dental formula; some have prehensile tails
not true primates; lived during Paleocine epoch
present in strepsirhines; not closure
post orbital bar
chronometric dating methid in which K turns to Ar gas; works with samples more than 100,000 yrs old; volcanic rock best; cannot date fossil directly, dates the rock surrounding the fossil
Potassiam-argon dating
tails that can grasp objects like hands can
African form of the owm and apes during the Miocene epoch
walking on all fours
lots of young; little parent investment; males strive for this
a difference in a physical atrribute between the males and females of a species
sexual dimorphism
depth perception
stereoscopic vision
relative dating method in which the deeper you go in the layers, the older things get; law of superposition; deceased organisms incorporated into layer
subdivision of primates; lemurs and lorises; nocturnal; arboreal; rely more on smell; claws, post orbital bar; denntal comb; grooming claws
the study of the deposition of plant or animal remains and the environmental conditions affecting their preservation
haplorhine; southeast asian island; eyes larger than the brain; monogamous (male and femal mate for life)
tapetum lucidum
lives on the ground
type of locomation in which the primate jumps from tree tunk to tree trunk; longer legs than arms
vertical clinging and leaping
female advirtisement of her reproductivity
visual estrus