Musculoskeletal system

  1. acetabulum
    hip socket
  2. acromion
    outward extension of the shoulder blade forming the point of the shoulder
  3. cancellous bone
    spongy, porous, bone tissue in the inner part of a bone
  4. cartilaginous bone
    bone that develops in a preexisting cartilage
  5. compact bone
    hard,dense bone tissue usually found around the outer portion of bones
  6. Condyle
  7. cranial bone
    skull bones
  8. temporomandibular joint
    connection on either side of the head between the temporal bone of the skull and mandibular bone of the jaw
  9. sella turcica
    depression in the skull where the pituitary gland is located
  10. foramen magnum
    opening of the occipital bone through which the spinal cord passes
  11. fontanelle
    soft spot between the skull bones of an infant
  12. diaphysis
    shaft or mid-portion of a long bone
  13. epiphyseal plate
    growth plate, cartilaginous area at the ends of long bones where lengthwise growth takes place in the immature skeleton
  14. epiphysis
    each end of a long bone
  15. olecranon
    the point of the flexed elbow
  16. osseous tissue
    bone tissue
  17. osteoblast
    immature bone cell that helps form bony tissue
  18. osteoclast
    a bone cell that reabsorbs or digests bone (remodels bone)
  19. periosteum
    membrane surrounding bones, rich in blood vessels and nerve tissue
  20. pubic symphysis
    area of confluence(coming together) of the two pubic bones in the pelvis
  21. red bone marrow
    found in cancellous bone, site of hematopoiesis
  22. trochanter
    large process at the neck of the femur, attachment site for tendons of the hip musculature
  23. vertebra/vertebrae
    individual segment of the spine
  24. xiphoid process
    lower, narrow portion of the sternum
  25. kyphosis
    a hump on the back
  26. lordosis
    the normal lumbar curvature of the back becomes exaggerated
  27. orthopedics
    The branch of medicine that deals with the prevention and correction of injuries or disorders of the skeletal system and associated muscles, joints, and ligaments, often by surgery.
  28. osteitis
    inflammation of the substance of a bone
  29. osteogenesis
    formation of bone
  30. scoliosis
    the spinal column is bent abnormally to the side
  31. osteomalacia
    softening of bone
  32. osteotome
    a medical instrument used to cut bone
  33. calcaneus/ calcaneal
    pertaining to the heal bone
  34. clavicle/clavicular
    collar bone
  35. femur/ femoral
    pertaining to the thigh bone
  36. fibula/fibular
    pertaining to the smaller of the two lower leg bones
  37. humerus/humeral
    pertaining to the upper arm bone
  38. metacarpals
    hand bones
  39. metatarsals
    midfoot bones
  40. patella/patellar
    pertaining to the kneecap
  41. phalanges/phalangeal
    pertaining to the finger and toe bones
  42. sternum/sterna
  43. tibia/tibial
    shin bone
  44. exotosis
    bony growth (benign) arising from the surface of bone
  45. fracture
    traumatic breaking of a bone
  46. closed fracture
    the bone is broken but there isn't any open wounds in the skin
  47. open (compound) fracture
    the bone is broken, and a fragment of bone protudes through an open wound in the skin
  48. pathologic fracture
    caused by disease of the bone such as a tumor or infection
  49. crepitus
    crackling sound produced when ends of bones rub each other or rub against roughened cartilage
  50. colles fracture
    occurs near the wrist joint
  51. comminuted fracture
    bone is splintered or crushed into several pieces
  52. compression fracture
    bone collapses or is compressed
  53. greenstick fracture
    bone is partially broken, breaks on one surface and only bends on the other, occurs in children
  54. impacted fracture
    one fragment is driven firmly into the other
  55. reduction
    restoration of the bone to its normal position
  56. closed reduction
    manipulative reduction without a surgical incision
  57. open reduction
    an incision is made for access to the fracture site
  58. cast
    solid mold of the body part
  59. osteomyleitis
    inflammtion of the bone and bone marrow
  60. osteoporosis
    decrease in bone density(mass) thinning and weakening of the bone
  61. talipes
    congenital abnormality of the hindfoot
  62. articulation
    a coming together of two or more bones
  63. bursa/bursae
    sac of fluid near a joint, promotes smooth sliding of one tissue against another
  64. ligament
    connective tissue binding bones to other bones, supports, strengthens, and stabilizes the joint
  65. synovial fluid
    viscous fluid within the synovial cavity
  66. tendon
    connective tissue that binds muscles to bones
  67. ankylosis
    condition of joint stiffening or immobilization
  68. arthroplasty
    surgical reconstruction or replacement of a malformed or degenerated joint.
  69. bursitis
    inflammation of the bursa
  70. achondroplasia
    The most common form of short stature with disproportionately short limbs -- dwarfism with short arms and legs.
  71. chrondromalacia
    softening of cartilage under the kneecap
  72. rheumatologist
    A specialist in the non-surgical treatment of rheumatic illnesses, especially
  73. tenosynovitis
    inflammation and swelling of a tendon, typically in the wrist, often caused by repetitive movements.
  74. tendinitis
    inflammed tendons
  75. athrodesis
    Surgical immobilization of a joint by fusion of the adjacent bones.
  76. arthritis
    inflammation of joints
  77. ankylosing spondylitis
    chronic, progressive arthritis with stiffening of joints, primarily of the spine
  78. gouty arthritis
    inflammation and painful swelling of joints caused by excessive uric acid in the body
  79. osteoarthritis (OA)
    progressive, degenerative joint disease with loss of articular cartilage and hypertrophy of bone
  80. rheumatoid arthritis
    chronic joint condition with inflammation and pain
  81. bunion
    enlargement of bone or tissue around the joint at the base of the big toe
  82. carpel tunnel syndrome
    compression of the median nerve as it passes between the ligament and the bones and tendons of the wrist
  83. ganglion
    fluid-filled cyst arising from joint capsules or tendons, typically in the hand
  84. Lyme disease
    disorder marked by arthritis, myalgia, and malaise
  85. SLE
    • systemic lupus erythematosus
    • chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease involving joints, skin, kidneys, nervous system CNS, heart and lungs
  86. dislocation
    displacement of a bone from its joint
  87. sprain
    trauma to a joint without rupture
  88. strain
    injury involving the overstretching of muscle
  89. striated muscle
    makes up the voluntary or skeletal muscles that move all bones, as well as controlling facial expression and eye movements
  90. fascia
    fibrous tissue that envelops and separates muscle
  91. abduction
    movement away from the midline of the body
  92. adduction
    movement toward the midline of the body
  93. dorsiflexion
    decreasing the angle of the ankle joint so that the foot bends backward
  94. extension
    increasing the angle between 2 bones, straightening out a limb
  95. flexion
    decreasing the angle between 2 bones, bending a limb
  96. plantar flexion
    motion that extends the foot downward toward the ground as when pointing the toes or stepping on the gas pedal
  97. rotation
    circular movement around a central point
  98. fibromyalgia
    A chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness in localized areas.
  99. myasthenia gravis
    An autoimmune neuromuscular disorder characterized by fatigue and exhaustion of muscles
  100. amyotrophic
    progressive wasting of muscle tissues
  101. muscular dystrophy
    group of inherited diseases characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of muscle fibers without involvement of the nervous system
  102. ANA
    • antinuclear antibody test
    • detects an antibody present in serum of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
  103. ESR
    erythrocyte sedimentation rate, measures time it takes for erythrocytes to settle to the bottom of a test tube
  104. CK
    serum creatine kinase, measurement of the enzyme creatine kinase in serum
  105. bone scan
    uptake of a radioactive substance is measured in bone
  106. bone desitometry
    low-energy x-ray absorption in bones of the spinal column, pelvis and wrist is used to measure bone mass
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Musculoskeletal system
bones and muscles