Hematological Cell Identification

  1. The Mitochondria is what to the cell?
    • -powerhouse of cell for energy production
    • -respiration
  2. What is Lysosome?
    Hydrolytic enzymes to destroy bacteria
  3. White Blood cells (leukocytes) defend against..
    • -foreign substances
    • -microorganisms
    • -parasites
    • -infection
  4. What are Platelets(thrombocytes) ?
    • -cytoplasmic fragments of megakaryocytes
    • -stops bleeding
  5. What is the primary site of cell production?
    Bone marrow
  6. Bone Marrow provides what?
    best source of study for production and maturation of cells
  7. Diagnostic cells may only be present?
  8. Bone marrow is examined by who?
    by the Pathologist
  9. What happens during the second week of Fetal Development?
    Primitive RBC's
  10. In what month does granulocytes and megakaryocytes happen during the fetal development?
    The second month
  11. What happens in the fourth and fifth month of fetal development?
    4th month lymphocytes , 5th month monocytes
  12. What does a immature nucleus looks like?
    • -large, almost occupying the entire cell
    • -N/C ratio is high
    • -usually round to oval
  13. Describe an immature nucleus
    • chromatin fine and delicate
    • stains reddish purple
    • usually with 1 or more nucleoli
  14. Image Upload 2Name the cell
  15. The nucleus in a band cell is what shape?
    • rod or band
    • *indentation greater than half the width of round nucleus
    • chromatin coarser and clumped
  16. What is the ratio of nucleus to cytoplasm on a band?
  17. What is the most frequently occuring cells in peripheral blood?
  18. In the regulation of Neutrophil cells what is released first?
    segmented cells released first before the bands
  19. What percentage of bands released in circulation?
    only a small percentage
  20. Wh
  21. What is Diapedesis?
    Neutrophils move into tissues thru narrow junctions between endothelial cells of blood vessels
  22. Image Upload 4
  23. What is the size of an Eosinophil?
    10-16 um
  24. Describe the nucleus on a Eosinophil?
    • usually two lobes
    • coarse & clumped chromatin
  25. Describe the cytoplasm on an Eosinophil?
    • Bright reddish-orange specific granules
    • granules distinct & uniform size
  26. What happens in IgE hypersensitivity reaction(basophil)?
    • binds to surface receptors
    • *react w/ specific antigens
  27. What happens when degranulation occurs(basophil)?
    • Enzymes released in area
    • contains histamine & heparin
  28. What is the primary Lymphopoietic organs?
    Bone marrow & thymus
  29. What is the secondary lymphopoietic organs consist of?
    Lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils
  30. What is the second most frequently occuring WBC in peripheral blood?
  31. Where do lymphocytes originate from?
    from CFU-L in lymphopoietic organs
  32. Which lymphocyte establish direct contact w/ foreign cell?
    T Lymphocyte
  33. The T lymphocyte inhibits and kills what?
    • inhibits growth of foreign cell
    • kills foreign cell
  34. T lymphocytes are involved in what?
    • tumor suppresion
    • graft rejection
  35. What is another name for plasma cells?
  36. End stage of B lymph maturation is what cell?
  37. Plasmacytes originates from what?
    antigenic stimulation of mature B lymphocytes
  38. B lymph transform into what?
  39. Plasmacytes are what type of producing cells?
  40. A Mature monocyte's cytoplasm is abundant w/??
  41. A mature monocyte's cytoplasm color and is?
    • -pale blue-gray
    • -ground glass appearance
    • -fine pale red dust-like granules
    • -vacuoles may be present
  42. Monocytes exhibits what?
    • -chemotaxis
    • -necrotaxis(attraction to dead or dying cells)
    • -necrophagocytosis
  43. How long does monocytes spend in peripherial blood?
    • approximately 14 hours
    • -enters tissue
    • -converts into macrophage
  44. Hemoglobin A(HbA) is composed of what chains?
    • 2 alpha
    • 2 other chain
    • *2 other chain determine the type of Hgb
  45. What is the percentage of hemoglobin in adults for HbA?
  46. What is Hemoglobin F also know as?
    Fetal Hemoglobin
  47. Hemoglobin F is composed what chains?
    • 2 alpha chains
    • 2 gamma chains
  48. What is the percentage of adult hemoglobin F?
  49. Platelets are fragments of what?
    megakaryocytes cytoplasm
  50. Megakaryocytes yields about how many platelets?
    2000 to 4000
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Hematological Cell Identification
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