1. What are the alternative medical systems?
    • Ayurvedic medicine - holistic preventative model
    • Traditional Chinese medicine - oneness with rhythms of universe (yin/yang, diet therapy, acupuncture, exercises, herbal therapy, musculoskeletal manipulation, pulse diagnosis); work together to restore pt's chi
    • Homeopathy - uses small doses of plant extracts or minerals to stimulate bodies defense mechanisms
    • Naturopathy - largely focuses on individual responsibility for health and utilizes various CAMs to support the health in the individual
  2. Mind-body interventions
    • Imagery
    • Aromatherapy
    • Therapeutic touch
    • Relaxation
    • Biofeedback
    • Yoga
    • Dance therapy, music therapy, art therapy
    • Prayer
    • Spiritual healing
  3. Biologically Based Therapies:
    Vitamin Supplements
    • Vitamin supplements: can be helpful, but excessive use can be harmful
    • Vitamin C - too much can cause incr risk of kidney stone
    • Vitamin E - too much can cause incr risk of hemorrhage
    • Vitamin A - too much can cause nausea, vomiting, headache, blurred vision and lack of muscle coordination
  4. Biologically Based Therapies:
    • St. John's Wort (helpful in mild to mod depression, anxiety, pain; incr risk of serotonin syndrome if used with SSRIs)
    • Kava Kava (anxiety; potentiates benzos and CNS depression);
    • Ginko Biloba (decr mild memory problems; potential incr bleeding time);
    • Black Cohash (pain, menstrual prob, menopause symptoms)
  5. Manipulative and Body-Based methods
    • Chiropractic (pain, asthma, sinus conditions)
    • Massage therapy (relaxation, pain, fibromyalgia)
  6. Energy therapies
    • Acupuncture (needles placed along lives of bodies energy lines): alcoholism (decr cravings); pain relief; anxiety; depression; insomnia
    • Acupressure (derivative of acupuncture)
    • Therapeutic touch and Reiki (move energy through body)
    • Jin Shin Jitsu
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