Type Dynamics.txt

  1. Functions:
    The four basic mental processes of Sensing (S), Intutition (N), Thinking (T), and Feeling (F).
  2. Perceiving Functions:
    Sensing and Intution (opposite ways of taking in information).
  3. Judging Functions:
    Thinking and Feeling (opposite ways of making decisions).
  4. Attitudes:
    The four basic orientations to life. Extraversion and Introversion refer to the direction of attention and flow of energy - outward toward the external world (E) or inward toward inner processes, thoughts, and feelings (I). Judging (J) and Perceiving (P) indicate one's preferred way of dealing with the external world.
  5. Dominant Function:
    The function that is relied on most, one of the two middle letters of the type. It is the most conscious and well-developed of the preferred functions. People tend to use their dominant function in their preferred world - external for E's, internal fo I's.
  6. Auxiliary Function:
    Second in importance, this is the other preferred function, the other middle letter. It provides balance between perceiving and judging, extraverting and introverting.
  7. Tertiary Function:
    Not one of the two preferred functions (and therefore not included in the four-letter type), it is usually much less developed and conscious than the first two. It is the opposite of the auxiliary.
  8. Inferior Function:
    The opposite of the dominant function, it has received the least energy and attention and therefore is the least developed. According to Jungian theory, the inferior function is the primary connection to the unconscious and the most difficult to use in one's conscious life.
  9. Determining Hierarchy for a Type:
    The J or P points to the basic mental tool this type uses in the external world.

    If J, that type uses its preferred judging function (Thinking or Feeling) to organize the external environment, like closure, clarity, and structure.

    If P, that type uses its preferred perceiving function (Sensing or Intuition) to remain open to experience in the external environment, liking flexibility and spontaneity.
  10. Types direct their dominant function toward the world in which they feel most comfortable and are most adept.
    Thus, types that prefer Extraversion (the four-letter types beginning with E) use their dominant function most often in the external world; types that prefer Introversion (the types beginning with I) will use their dominant function primarily internally.
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Type Dynamics.txt
Basic Definitions of Type Dynamics