
  1. Band

  2. Cell at the bottom
  3. Lymphocyte
  4. Neutrophil and a Monocyte
  5. Blasts
  6. Metamylocyte
  7. Neutrophol and Eosinophil
  8. Basophil
  9. Plasmacyte
    • A: Metarubricyte
    • B: Nutrophil
    • C: Metarubricyte Extruding it's nucleus
  10. Reticulocyte
  11. WBC's (Leukocytes) Defend Against:
    • -Foreign substances
    • -Microorganisms
    • -Parasites
    • -Infection
  12. Uses hydrolytic enzymes to destroy bacteria
  13. This is the powerhouse of cell for energy production
  14. Qualities of properly stained slides
    • -Eosinophils have bright orange granules
    • -Basophils have dark blue-black granules
  15. Qualities of a good smear
    • -Feathered edge
    • -Rainbow appearance
    • -Free of holes ridges and waves
  16. How much time do you have to prepare a peripheral blood smear? why?
    • prepare smears within two hours of collection.
    • -RBC's become macrocytic
    • -WBC's and Platelets degenerate
  17. Reagents and equipment needed to create a wedge Smear
    • -Two clean glass slides
    • -Capillary tubes
    • -EDTA blood samples
  18. Capillary collection puncture sites and depth for neonates/infants.
    -Never puncture curvature of heel
    -Puncture depth no more than 1.6mm
  19. Situation capillary collection is used in.
    • Infants <6 months old
    • -too dangerous to remove too much blood
    • -has small volume of blood
  20. True or False
    -Most patients tolerate phlebotomy
  21. What to do at first sign of adverse reaction
    • -discontinue blood collection
    • -release tourniquet and remove needle
    • -get patient to a private area
  22. do not allow a tourniquet to stay on longer than ______.
    one minute

    • -Hemoconcentration could occur
    • -Falsely elevated test results
  23. What is the most important step in phlebotomy?
    Patient Identification.
  24. How to check patient ID.
    Check SSN and Name
  25. This vein is located on the outer portion of the arm where the skin tends to be tougher.
    Cephalic vein
  26. What are the three main venipuncture sites?
    • -Median Cubital
    • -Basilic
    • -Cephalic
  27. methods of venipuncture
    • -Vacutainer
    • -Syringe
  28. anticoagulant to sample dilution factor for sodium citrate.
  29. how do you adjust the platelet count if you run a CBC on a blue top tube?
    Multiply platelet count by 1.1 (addition of 10% to initial result)
  30. What is the end stage of B lymphocyte maturation?
  31. These originate from antigenic stimulation of mature B lymphocytes.
  32. This is an antibody producing cell.
  33. what cell has a Hof near the nucleus
  34. what is another name for a plasmacyte?
    Plasma cell
  35. what cell exhibits all of the following:
  36. Characteristics of a mature monocyte's cytoplasm.
    • -Abundant with pseudopodia
    • -Pale blue-grey
    • -ground glass appearance
    • -fine pale red dust like granules
    • -vacuoles may be present
  37. How much time do monocytes spend in peripheral blood?
    14 hours
  38. What is a monocyte that enters tissue called?
  39. maturation cycle of a red blood cell.
    • -Rubriblast
    • -Prorubricyte
    • -basophilic rubricyte
    • -polychromatic rubricyte
    • -metarubricyte
    • -reticulocyte
  40. what type of hemoglobin contains:
    • -2 Alpha Chains
    • -2 Beta Chains
  41. what percent of adult hemoglobin should HbA be?
  42. what hemoglobin is also know as fetal hemoglobin?
  43. what hemoglobin contains:
    2 alpha chains
    2 gamma chains
  44. What percent of adult hemoglobin should HbF be?
  45. what cell fragments until the cell is without cytoplasm?
  46. what happens to the naked nucleus of a magakaryocyte after the cytoplasm completely fragments?
    it is ingested by Macrophage
  47. Don'ts on lab saftey
    • -Recap needles
    • -Remove used needles from disposable syringes by hand
    • -bend, break, or manipulate used needles
  48. what percent of your blood is the fluid portion?
  49. if the fluid portion of blood in an anticoagulated tube is called what?
    • Plasma
    • it contains fibrinogen
  50. when fibrin is prevented from forming in the fluid portion of blood it is called _____.
  51. what is the formula for adjusting anticoagulant in a blue top tube?
    citrate=100HCT/595HCT x sample volume
  52. what tube contains lithium heparin as the anticoagulant?
    Green Top
  53. how does lithium heparin prevent coagulation?
    • -interacting with anti-thrombin III
    • -inhibiting thrombin
  54. what WBC establishes direct contact with; inhibits growth of, and kills foreign cells?
    what else is this cell involved in?
    • -T-lymphocytes
    • - tumor supression and graft rejection
  55. What is the second most frequently occuring WBC in peripheral blood?
  56. what cell originates from CFU-L?
    where do they originate?
    • Lymphocytes.
    • Lymphopoietic organs
  57. What reagents and equipment do you need to perform a capillary collection?
    • -70% isopropyl alcohol
    • -sterile gauze pads
    • -sterile blood lancet
    • -capillary tubes
    • -band aids
  58. how to perform a capillary collection.
    • -ensure puncture site is warm
    • -puncture against the grain of skin quickly and firmly
    • -wipe away first drop of blood
    • -should collect 1ml of blood
  59. what are some complications of capillary collection?
    • -Tissue juice dilution
    • -platelet clumping
    • -painful procedure be truthful to children
  60. in what order should you collect a platelet sample durring capillary collection?
    collect platelet samples first due to platelet clumping
  61. what are some reasons for patient isolation?
    • -prevent spread of infection
    • -protect immuno-compromised patient from:
    • -normal flora of phlebotomist
    • -from nosocomial pathogens
  62. what are the types of patient isolation?
    • -strict
    • -enteric
    • -wound
    • -respiratory
    • -protective
  63. what type of patient isolation protects the phlebotomist from contagious diseases transmitted via direct contact and the air.
  64. what type of patient isolation is also known as contact isolation?
  65. what is the purpose of a peripheral smear?
    • to examine cells under a microscope
    • -test is called WBC differential
  66. what is examined in a WBC Differential?
    • -Different types of WBC
    • -RBC morphology
    • -Platelet estimate
  67. What are the secondary lymphopoietic organs?
    • -lymph nodes
    • -spleen
    • -tonsils
  68. what are the primary lymphopoietic organs?
    • -bone marrow
    • -thymus
  69. In what cell does IgE bind to surface receptors to react with specific antigens?
  70. What cell contains histamine and heparin?
  71. in what granulocyte does degranulation occur?
  72. what white blood cell has two lobes and bright reddish orange specific granules?
  73. what is diapedesis?
    Neutrophils move into tissues thru narrow junctions between endothelial cells of blood vessels.
  74. what is the most frequently occurring cell in peripheral blood?
  75. what cells are rod or band shaped with an indentation greater than half the width of the round nucleus?
  76. What is hematopoesis?
    the creation of blood cells.
  77. What cells are created durring the second week of fetal development?
    primative RBC's
  78. What cells are created durring the second month of fetal development?
    Granulocytes and megakaryocytes
  79. what cells are created durring the fourth month of fetal development?
  80. what cells are created durring the fifth month of fetal development?
  81. what cell has an indented or kidney shaped nucleus where the indention is less than half of the round nucleus?
  82. what does an immature nucleus look like?
    • -large
    • -usually round to oval
    • -chromatin fine and delicate
    • -stains reddish purple
    • -usually one or more nucleoli
  83. what is the primary site of cell production and who is it examined by?
    bone marrow
  84. what are cytoplasmic fragments of megakaryocytes called?
    platelets or thrombocytes
  85. what is the purpose of platelets?
    stops bleeding
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MLT 10005