The German Case System:
Direct Object
- Nominative: subject
- Accusative: direct object
German Case System (purpose)
The Case shows how nouns function in a sentence.
German Case System
Articles and Adjectives show...?
- The Case of the Noun.
- Article (the, a, an) or adjective that precedes the noun shows that nouns case.
Grammatical Gender:
- All Nouns are classified Grammatically (masculine, neuter, feminine)
- The Definite Article shows the Grammatical Gender of a Noun. German has Three (der, das, & die)
- When Refurring to people the Gender will match the biological sex.
- The Plural Article is die (for all genders)
Grammatical Gender:
Personal Pronouns er, sie, es (he, she, it) reflect the gender of the noun the replace.
- example:
- der Rock = er (masculine)
- die Jacke = sie (feminine)
- das Hemd = es (neuter)
Addressing People:
Sie (singular & plural)
- du (singular)
- ihr (plural)