1. True or False.Ships use dry bulb, wet-bulb, and globe temperature readings to calculate a single number, the WBGT index. They use the WBGT index, along with the individual’s physical exertion level to calculate an individual’s permissible heat exposure limit.
  2. To obtain accurate and reliable data on heat-stress conditions, ships shall conduct heat-stress surveys to record dry-bulb (DB), wet-bulb (WB), and globe temperature (GT) readings.
    They must take DB and WB temperature with both thermometers shielded from radiant heat and the WB must also be properly ventilated to determine the effects of airflow. Measurement is accomplished by means of a globe thermometer that provides a value representing radiant and convection heat transfers to or from the body. The Navy uses either a wetbulb-globe temperature (WBGT) meter or an automated heat stress system (AHSS)
  3. What is heat acclimatization?
    Appropriate repeated exposure to heat stress causes a series of physiologic adaptations called acclimatization, whereby the body becomes more efficient in coping with the heat stress.
  4. Personnel acquire heat acclimatizationonly gradually, being fully achieved over a __ to___ week level of sustainedphysical activity.
    3 to 4
  5. The commanding officer shall
    Establish and enforce an effective heat-stress policy that ensures personnel heat exposures are limited per this chapter except in an operational emergency.
  6. The medical department representative (MDR) shall
    If an Automated Heat Stress System (AHSS) is installed, maintain and calibrate at least one portable WBGT meter in the event that the automated system should fail. For submarines, the MDR conducts heat-stress surveys in engineering spaces.
  7. Use of a WBGT meter or AHSS to measure DB, WB, and GT, and compute the WBGT index to determine the amount of time it is safe to work in a given space. Personnel conducting a survey can validate the WBGT indexusing the following formula:
    WBGT = (0.1 x DB) + (0.7 x WB) + (0.2 x GT).
  8. Placement of the DB thermometers may be in or out of the ventilation air stream but must be hung at least ____ feet from any supply ventilation terminal/opening.
    2 feet
  9. True or false. If the difference between the hanging DB thermometer and the DB temperature measured with the WBGT meter, during a survey, is 5°F or greater at any watch or workstation, then the DB thermometer is not representativeof the temperature at the workstation.
  10. True or False. “No Calibration Required” (NCR) stickers are not required to be placedon DB thermometers.
  11. Assigned personnel shall monitor compartments as follows for Dry-Bulb Temperature Recordings:
    (a) Every 4 hours for manned spaces if DB temperatures do not exceed 85F(b) Every hour for manned spaces if DB temperatures exceed 85F(c) Every hour at temporary installations where the DB temperature exceeds 85F during repair or maintenance operations.
  12. If a DB temperature exceeds the temperature, the space supervisor shall _______ the DB reading and immediately notify the watch supervisor (i.e. engineering officer of-the-watch (EOOW), division officer, etc).
    circle (in red)
  13. The heat-stress surveyor shall record all non-automated survey readings to the nearest _____ on a Heat-Stress Survey Sheet
  14. PHEL
    Physiological Heat Exposure Limit
  15. If the result of the evaluation indicates a heatrelated case the MDR shall prepare a Heat/Cold Case form _______
    (NAVMED 6500/1).
  16. If a heat-stress case results in 5 or more lost workdays, a ___________shall be submitted per chapter A-6 in addition to the submissionof the Heat/Cold Case form.
    Mishap Report
  17. True or false. Noise-induced hearing loss is the Fleet’s number one occupational health hazard
  18. The analysis of noise measurements to assess the hazard potential is a complex task that shall be performed by an
    industrial hygienist or occupational audiologist.
  19. Designated hazardous noise areas and equipment that produce hazardous sound levels shall be appropriately labeled
    NAVMED 6260/2, Hazardous Noise Warning Decal (8" x 10")and the NAVMED 6260/2A, Hazardous Noise Labels (2" x 2")or their equivalents, are approved for marking hazardous noise areas and equipment.
  20. A combination of insert type and circumaural (muff) type hearing protective devices (double protection) shall be worn
    In all areas where sound levels exceed 104 dB(A)
  21. The MDR shall maintain a current roster of personnel who routinely work in designated noise hazardous areas and shall update this roster semiannually.
    The MDR shall maintain a "tickler file" for scheduling annual audiometric examinations of these personnel. The MDR shall update the "tickler file" monthly with the results of the audiometric exams.
  22. Navy Occupational Exposure Level (NOEL).
    a. For an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) in any 24-hour period: 84 dB(A)b. For periods of less than 16 hours in any 24-hour period, the NOEL can be determined from the following equation:T = 16/2 [(L - 80)/4]Where: T = time in hours (decimal)L = effective sound level in dB(A)
  23. Before reissue, non-corrective eye protection shall be sanitized with hot, soapy water and rinsed of all traces of soap or detergent.
    Eye protection equipment should then be immersed for 10 minutes in a disinfectant, rinsed, and airdried.
  24. Approved emergency eyewashequipment shall be capable of flushing the eyes with potable water at aminimum flow rate of 0.4 gallons per minute for ____ continuous minutes.
  25. Clearly mark eyewash stations with a green sign with white lettering stating ________
Card Set
Navy safety