the diversification of an ancestral group of organisms into new forms that are adapted to different environmental niches
adaptive radiation
predominant theory; evolution if behavior; ecological selection-agents of selection; behavior is treated as a complex trait; behaviors selected for or against; some behaviors increase fitness
behavioral ecology
relative dating method that uses the association of fossils in strata to determine each layes possible age; comparing the age of animals; relative position of fauna
pygmy chimps; knuckle walkers; sexual dimorphism; longer legs; differently shaped chests; Africa
absolute dating method; sites within past 50,000 years; emission of radioactive particles measured and ratio compared
carbon-14 dating
subcategory of the haplorhines; owm; apes; humans; narrow noses, sexual dimorphism, no prehensile tails, ischial callosities (butt pads); visual estrus (female advirtisment of her reproductivity)
knucle walkers; terrestrial & arboreal; sexual dimorphism; tool use; cooperative hunting; equatorial Africa; great apes
relays information such as emotional state, environment, predators, & territory; body postures; facial expressions; vocalizations; displays; intentional and unintentional
chronomatic dating method that uses tree-ring count to determine numerical age
the numerical description of a species teeth, listing the number, in one quadrant of the jaws, of incestors, canines, premolars, and molars
dental formula
refers to those organisms that are normally awake and cative during daylight hours
have access to resources; males dominant to females; separate heirarchies by sex; learned and inherited; influenced by sex, age, aggressiveness; importance varies; provides stability
dominance hierarchies
a relative (chemical) dating method that compares the accumulation of fluorine in animal and human bones from the same site
fluorine dating
part of the lesser apes; brachiation; long fingers and arms; no sexual dimorphism; smallest apes
a genus of Miocene ponigids from Asia; the largest primate that ever lived