World History & Civilization.txt

  1. Knossos
    An ancient Minoan city on the island of Crete
  2. Shrine
    Areas dedicated to the honor of gods and goddesses
  3. Trojan War
    Took place around 1250 B.C. and it originated w/ the economic rivalry between Mycenae & Troy(M: Turkey)
  4. Strait
    Narrow water passage
  5. Homer
    He probably lived around 750 B.C. & he supposedly was a blind poet who wandered fom village to village singing heroic deeds. His stories were eventually written down
  6. Polis
  7. Acropolis
    High city w/ its great marble temples dedicated to diff. gods and goddesses
  8. Citizen
    Free resident share a sense of responsibility for its triumphs & defeats
  9. Monarchy
    A gov in which a king or queen excercises central power
  10. Aristocracy
    Rule by a hereditary landowning elite(upper class)
  11. Oligarchy
    Gov in which ruling power belongs to a few people
  12. Phalanx
    A massive tactical formation of heavily armed foot soldiers
  13. Sparta
    Dorian invaders conquered Laconia in the southern part of the Peloponnesus, which they settled & built the city-state Sparta
  14. Athens
    Located in Attica & it was a Greek city-state that went from a monarchy to an aristocracy
  15. Democracy
    Gov by the people
  16. Legislature
    Lawmaking body
  17. Alliance
    A formal agreement between 2 or more nations or powers to cooperate & come to 1 anothers defense
  18. Pericles
    After the Persian Wars from 460-429 B.C. under the able statesman he led a golden age for Athens w/ his wisdom and skillful leadership which made the economy thrive & the gov became more democratic
  19. Direct democracy
    Is what Pericles used which is a system of gov where citizens participate directly in the day-to-day affairs of gov rather than through elected representatives
  20. Stipend
    Fixed salary given to public office holders
  21. Jury
    Legal group of people sworn to make a decision a legal case
  22. Ostracism
    Practice used in ancient Greece to banish or send away a public figure who threatened democracy
  23. Philosopher
    Someone who seeks to understand & explain life; a person who studies philosophy
  24. Logical
    Rational thinking
  25. Rhetoric
    The art of skillful speaking
  26. Socrates
    An outspoken critic of the Sophists & an Athenian stonemason amd philosopher
  27. Plato
    He was Socrates student & most of what we know about Socrates comes from Plato
  28. Aristotle
    He was one of Plato's most famous students & he developed & analyzed his ideas about each type of gov
  29. Parthenon
    Most famous example of Greek architecture & is a temple dedicated to the goddess Athena
  30. Tragedy
    Plays that told stories of human suffering that usually ended in disaster
  31. Comedy
    Humorous plays that mocked people or customs
  32. Herodotus
    He is often called the "Father of History" in the Western world, because he went beyond listing the names of rulers or the retelling of ancient lands
  33. Alexander the Great
    After Athens fell to Macedonia & both Athens & other Greek city-states lost their freedom, a new age spread from the Mediterranean to borders of India was the product of the man who would become known as Alexander the Great
  34. Philip 2
    Lived in Thebes & came to Greece to admire its culture. He also hired Aristotle to tutor his son, Alexander
  35. Assassination
    The murder of a public figure, usually for a political reasons
  36. Assimilate
  37. Alexandria
    An ancient Hellenistic city in Egypt
  38. Pythagoras
    In mathematics he derived a formula to calculate the relationship between the sides of a right triangle
  39. Heliocentric
    Sun-centered, solar system wasn't accepted by most scientists until about 2,000 years later
  40. Archimedes
    He was the most famous Hellenistic scientist who applied principles of physics to make practical inventions
  41. Hippocrates
    A Greek physician who studied the causes of illnesses & looked for cures
  42. Fresco
    Watercolor paintings done on wet plaster
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World History & Civilization.txt
Chap. 4, sections 1-5