Practical 3

  1. Where is the hyoid bone and what is its function?
    Inferior to the mandible in the anterior neck. Provides an attachment point for the muscles of the floor of the mouth and tongue.
  2. What is so unusual about the hyoid bone?
    It is not part of the skull and it does not articulate with another bone
  3. Where are the auditory ossicles?
    Embedded in the petrous portion of the temporal bone. (Middle ear cavity)
  4. Name the 8 cranial bones
    • Frontal bone
    • Parietal bones (2)
    • Occipital bone
    • Temporal Bone (2)
    • Sphenoid Bone
    • Ethmoid bone
  5. Name the 14 Facial Bones
    Maxilla (2)

    • Pallatine Bones (2)
    • Zygomatic bones (2)
    • Lacrimal Bones (2)
    • Nasal Bones (2)
    • Vomer
    • Mandible
    • Inferior Nasal Concha (2)
  6. Name the 7 bones that contribute to the Orbital Cavity

    • Sphenoid
    • Zygomatic
    • Maxilla
    • Palatine
    • Lacrimal
    • Ethmoid
  7. Name the bones and their processes which form the zygomatic arch
    Zygomatic process of the temporal bone and the zygomatic process
  8. Name the bones and their processes which form the hard palate
    Maxilla (Palatine Process)

    Palaine bone (horizontal plate)
  9. Name the 3 parts of the nasal septum
    Ethmoid bone

    • Vomer
    • Septal cartilage
  10. Name and locate paranasal sinuses.
    • Frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, and paired maxillary bones
    • Flank the nasal cavity laterally and extend from the orbit to the roots of the upper teeth.
  11. Why is the sphenoid bone considered the keystone of the cranium?
    Because it forms the central wedge that articulates with all other cranial bones
  12. Why are the maxillae considered the keystone of the facial bones?
    They form the upper jaw and parts of the hard palate, orbits and nasal cavity walls.
  13. What is TMJ syndrome?
    The dislocation of the temperomandibular joint. It is associated with pain in the ear, ace, and tenderness of the jaw muscles
  14. In what way does a throat infection involve the mastoid and make this condition dangerous?
    Because the brain is separated from the mastoid by only a thin bony plate, the infection could spread to the brain
  15. With what do the occipital condyles articulate?
    1st vertebrae of the spinal column and permits a nodding "yes" motion
  16. What ligament attaches to the external occipital crest?
    Ligamentum nuchae
  17. What is the function of the crista galli?
    Attachment site for the falx cerebri; a dural membrane fold of the dura mater
  18. What is the function of the sella turcica
    Hyposhyseal Fossa Portion is the seat of the pituitary gland
  19. What is the function of the styloid process of the temporal bone?
    The attachment site for several neck muscles and for a ligament to the hyoid bone
  20. What is the function of the coronoid process of the mandible?
    Insertion points for the temporalis muscle
Card Set
Practical 3
Skull bones and questions