Vocab for test 1

  1. culture
    what defines us as individuals, it influences our knowledge, beliefs, and values;and determines the way we think, feel, and behave in our group.
  2. discrimination
    a concept that focuses on behavior & that leads to the denial of privileges and rewards to members of oppressed groups.
  3. egalitarianism
    a belief in social, political, and economic rights and privileges for all people.
  4. Informal curriculum
    the rules set to guide expected behaviors and attitudes of students in schools.
  5. prejudice
    when one has negative attitudes about a group of people due to the lack of understanding one has of that group's history, experiences, and values.
  6. structural assimilation
    when the dominant group assimilates w/ a 2nd group to the point that they share primary relationships, intermarry, and have equality w/ the dominant group.
  7. bicultural
    refers to a person that who is competent in 2 cultures and educational programs that acknowledge the value of both the dominant culture and the culture of a student's family
  8. emigrate
    to leave one's native country to relocate in another one
  9. indigenous
    refers to a population that is native to a country or region
  10. de jure segregation
    the separation of groups of people that has been mandated by city, state, or federal gov't policies.
  11. de facto segregation
    the separation of groups that occurs as people choose to live in different neighborhoods or participate in different clubs and social groups
  12. endogamy
    marriage within the same ethnic, cultural, or religious group
  13. racism
    the belief that one race has inherent superiority over all others and thereby has the right to dominate
  14. adequate yearly progress (ayp)
    refers to a min. level of improvement that school districts and schools must achieve within specific time frames specified in the law No child left behind
  15. Title IX
    refers to a legislation passed by congress in '72 to provide females equal access to all aspects of education
  16. SES
    used to measure the economic status of families/individuals on the basis of occupation, educational attainment, income and wealth
  17. McKinney-Vento Homeless Act
    law that requires public schools to provide educational rights and protections for homeless youth and children.
  18. Classism
    the view that one's class level makes one superior to members of classes perceived below one's own
  19. tracking
    the practice of separating students based on their perceived academic abilities for instruction that is supposed to be most appropriate to their abilities
  20. mild mental retardation
    a label for individuals w/ limited intellectual or cognative abilities, which often inhibit their academic functioning and socialization
  21. gifted and talented
    refers to students with very high intelligence or such unusual gifts and talents in the arts that they require special ed programming to reach their full potential
  22. Public Law 92-142
    guaranteed all children 3-21 w/ disabilities a free and appropriate ed. in the least restrictive environment
  23. transition plan
    a needs assessment and planning to transition from student to adulthood
  24. IDEA
    • emphasized the individual first, disability second!
    • forever changed how individuals w/ disabilities are referred to in literature
  25. ADA
    designed to end discrimination against individuals with disabilities in private sector employment, public services, public accomodations, transportation, and telecommunications
  26. LRE
    refers to educational setting closest to a reg. school or general ed. setting in which the child w/ a disability can be educated
  27. IEP
    a written program required for all children w/ disabilities under IDEA. includes student performance, goals, participation, and evaluation procedures.
  28. ARD
    refers to a meeting that is held in order to evaluate a student
  29. Learning disabled
    a person with any of various cognitive, neurological, or psychological disorders that impede the ability to learn
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Vocab for test 1