Schools from the North
Harvard andYale
What were the three Ivy League schools
Brown, Princeton, and Rutgers
All institutions of higher learning were in the ________
The only culture in the colonies __________
Music in Colonial America
- Psalm singing
- Music as a profession
What altered music
"Great Awakening"
What did the Virginia Law prohibit?
Immigration of English players
Who started "smearing charried cork on their skin" and what was it called
Fredrick Toll / "Blacking up"
First Printing press
Mass. 1639
Who ///The present state of New English affairs
Sam Green
Who/// 1st edition, 4 pages tabloid, public ocurrence, both foreign and domestic
Ben Harris 1690
Who/// the boston Newsletter
John Campbell 1704
Who/// Freeedom of the Press 1730's
What was the colonial diet?
- all food local
- H&H
- Sober liquid
- Rum
"West Indian Beverage"
Who wrote Alochol Republic
David Rohrabaugh
Who wrote Drinking in America
David Lender
Types of Profession in Colonial America (3)
Who performed the legal tasks & contract wills?
When was the first bar exam / where/ what?
1729 / New York / Exam pronounces ready to "practice"
North Carolina Law of 1741 required ....
Public of banns issuance of lisence prior to wedding ceromony
3 Reasons for exuction in Colonial America
- Murder
- Treason
- Insurrection
Forms of punishment
- Whipping Post
- Hanging trees
- Public Mutaliation
- Dunking
North/ New England Commerce was connected to ____________
Sea Trade
Middle and Southern Commerce was connected to ___________
Act where all goods exported from colonies must be shipped in English vessels, crews, and insurance
Navigation Act of 1660
What are enumated goods?
- Go only to England
- Wool, tobacco, indigo, iron
What are non enumated goods?
- Go anywhere
- Rum, fish, grain
Act were all european cargos must pass thru England and be shipped to colonies in English ships, crew, insurance
Navigation Act of 1663 / Staple Act
Act that forced bond from colonial governors to enforce Navigation Acts and oath to enforce Acts
Navigation Act of 1696
This act forbade intercolonial wool trade as well as forbade wool European Countries
Navigation Act of 1696
This Act made a protective legislation extened to English manufactures
Hat Act 1732
Sixpence per gallon on molasses imported from Spanish/French Colonies
Molasses Act 1733
Forbade manufacture of iron good in colonies
Bar pig and ingot iron must be shipped to England for manufacture into finished goods
Iron Act of 1750
What is the Writ of Assistance
Unlimited search warrents
What was the Bristish Requiston system?
- tax
- required people to give supply to for the Brit troops in colonies
Parson's Cause 1755 -1763
Who was teacher that was involved with Parson's Cause?
Rev James Maury
Prime mininster who moblized 45000 tropps in Colonial America
William Pitt
Treaty ended that ended the French and Indian War?
Treat of Paris 1763
This treaty caused Britian took all French possesions east of Miss. tool all of Spanish Florida
Treaty of Paris
Treaty ended the American Revolution
Treaty of Paris 1783
Proposal that regulated trade and rasied revenues
Grenville Proposals
Act where Prime Minister Grenville believed colonist should question of defense colonies "to help defray the ness. expansion of the Colonies and plantions"
American Revenue Act / Sugar Act of 1764
Est. Revenue to the English 25000 lbs sterilings expanded custom offices rasie taxian imparts
American Rev Act
Lowered tax from 6 pense
Molassas Act of 1733
Reaction to what act : Tax did not have colonial assent / assumption of guilt / no trail of jury of peers/ popular mass meetings helds
Sugar Act
ACT- An "internal levy" 1/2 pence Law License, any paper was taxed except for school bible and marriage certi.
Stamp Act
"Son's of Liberty"
Col. Isaac Baare
Reaction to Stamp Act!
Riots and boycotts
Who was Andrew Oliver?
Tax Collector
"Son's of Liberty" spread to other colonies - members - farmers debors small businessman
"Loyal Nine"
Chancellor of the Exchequer - "Landed Sentry"
Charles Townshend
Prime Minister that said to Repeal townshend Acts
Fredrick Lord North
Liberty poles/ job completion/ 30-40 soilders riot/ McDougall arrested for incitemnet jailed?
Golden Hill Riot
Why did Colonial dislike Brit?
Money/ Get jobs/ women
First to die in the Boston Massacre
Crispus Attucks
Term used to descrive a person who loves ans supports England
Smugglers chased a British speed boat 7 miles and the boat got stuck / capt was shot and boat was burned
Gaspee Affair
Who burned the Gaspee?
John Brown
Who wanted to repeal all of towns. duties but one and what was it?
Lord North / Tax
Act by Lord North / only tea from East india / 3 pence per pound /
Tea Act May 1773
Substitutes for tea?
- Loosestrife sage labrador
- Dutch smuggled tea
What was the repsond to the Boston Tea Party
Coercive / Intolerable Acts
Act that closed Port until East India Co piand for tea / no loading or unloading except supplies for Brit troops
Boston Port Act
An Act for impartical?
Administration of Justice
Act providing lodging for Brit troops
Quartering Act
Act where all colony's concils and law enforce officals are appointive rath than elected
Mass Government Act
Noncoercive act goverment of Canada no longer reprent. assembly but appoint by crown
Quebec Act
Formed contienal Associations / 7 wks 12 colonies 55 delegates / Peyton Randaulph
1st Contentail Congress
This resolved : Coercive Acts / urged Mass to Arm for defense / Called for Economic Sanctions
To what was the boycott of all British good?
Continental Association
Who in the "know" about British movement plans etc
Dr. Jo Warren
Who/// one route / Charles River/ Lexington
Paul Revere
Who/// 1 Route Land Route was a messanger
Will Dawes
When was the first day of the American Revelotion?
April 19 1775
"immunity from tax if colonies raised $ to provide for defense" / demanded recongniation of Parliments supremacy
Lord Norht's Concilatory Resolve
"first real government" Phili / john handcock/ washington "bill of credit"
Second Contiental Congress
Who was on the commitee of 5 ?
- Thomas Jefferson
- Ben Frank
- John Adams
- Robert Livingston
- Roger Sherman
Wrote the preamble / had a theory of man governing himself / declaration of independance
Thomas Jefferson
Revolutionary war what were the British strengths
Money / Sea Power / military power / strong industrial base
What were the colonial strengths during the Revolutionary War?
- Gen. Washington
- Zeal for battle in home area
- Avoid large scale battle
- Knowlogde of territory
- 5000 Black fought against Brit
Turning point of the American Revolution
Battle of Saratoga
Treaty - full trade privlages
Treaty of Amity and Commerce
Treaty - No seperate peace treaty with england
Treaty of Alliance
Washington victory
Battle - Lord Charles Corwallis - surrended 8000
Battle of Yorktown
Ended the American Revolution
Treaty of Paris 1783
Treaty - Bounderies / fishing rights/ pre war debt settle navigation rights
Treaty of Paris
Had tight control over tax/ voting qualification / religion/ property / age/ governers with limited power
State Constitutions
What was the first real governmet
2 Continental Congress
Land Law were survery Land township/ 6 mile square / sell land / section 16 for education
Land Ordinance of 1785
Land law were plan of government fortery/ Congress appoints gov forbade slaverly / guaranteed freedom / schools were to forever be encourage
North West Ordiance of 1787
What were the weakness of Articles of Conferderation
Ran of money
Reasons ofr changing the Articles of Confederation
- Mechanics wanted tariff to protect imports
- Land Spec wanted safety from Indians
- Creditors wanted stable money supply
- Fear of the mob
Plan that was bicameral Leg. branch
Executive branch
Judical branch
Voting was based on money contributions
Madison Plan / Virigina Plan
Unicameral Leg. Branch / Executive Branch / Judicaial branch
William Patterson Plan / NJ Plan / Small state plan
Bicameral Leg / Executive branch / judicial branch
Hamilton Plan / NY Plan