Kinese Chapter 7

  1. How many bones, joints, mms (intrinsic) are there in the hand and joint??
    • 29 bones
    • over 25 joints
    • over 30mms (18 intrinsic)
  2. __ carpal bones in 2 rows of 4 form wrist.
    __ metacarpal bones numbered 1 to 5 from thumb to little finger join wrist bones.
    how many phalanges.. thumb?
    thumb has what in flexor tendon?
    • 8 carpal bones
    • 5 metacarpal bones
    • 14 phalanges 3 each prox mid dist and 2 thumb
    • thumb: has sesamoid in flexor tendon
  3. what are the 8 carpal bones (wrist)
    radial to ulnar for prox and distal?
    what is most injured? how? often dismissed as what? bad break cause...?
    prox: SLTP - scaphoid lunate triquetrum pisiform

    dist: TTCH: trapezium trapezoid capitate hamate

    scaphoid is most injured, falling outstretched hand, often dissmissed as sprain, bad cause long immobilization or surgery
  4. carpal bones form what kind of arch?
    they are concave on which side?
    the transverse carpal ligament and volar carpal ligament span across what, this creates what? and this is a source of what?
    • carpal form three sided arch
    • concave on palmar side
    • trans carpal lig and volar carpal lig span across bony arch - forms carpal tunnel - source of probs known as carpal tunnel syndrome
  5. medial epicondyle and medial condyloid ridge and coronoid process origin for many W and F ___

    lateral epicondyle and lateral supracondylar ridge origin for many F and W ___
    medial is flex and lateral is extend
  6. what are the key distal bony landmarks for mms involved in wrist motion...
    bony landmarsk for finger mms...
    • wrist motion: bases of 2 3 5th metacarpals, pisiform, and hamate
    • finger mms: base of prox, middle, and distal phalanxes
    • and base of distal phalanxes of thumb
  7. what type of joint is the wrist joint?
    what motions and degrees!? where do motions occur?
    • condyloid type joint
    • flex: 70 to 90 ext: 65 to 85
    • abduction: 15 to 25 add: 25 to 40
    • motions occur: b/w distal radius and prox carpal row- scaph lunate triq
  8. What are the three joints that each finger has?
    what are each? motions?
    • MCP PIP DIP (all flex and extend!!)
    • MCP: condylod: flex ext
    • PIP: ginglymus: from full ext flex
    • DIP: ginglymus: from full ext flex
  9. what are the two joints of the thumb? both what type? there is also another joint?
    • MCP and IP and ginglymus... CMC is unique saddle
    • MCP: full ext flex 40-90
    • IP: flex 80-90
    • CMC:Abd ix 50-70 flex 15-45 ext 0-20
  10. what are the movements of wrist? fingers?
    • wrist: flex ext add and ab
    • fingers: flex and ext * mcp also add and ab
  11. what are the extensors and flexors of the wrist?
    • flexors: flexor carpi radialis and ularis and palmaris longus
    • extensors: ext carpi radialis brevis/longus extensor carpi ulnaris
  12. 9 movers of phalanges.. flexors and ext? abductor of thumb and wrist?
    • flex: flexor digitorum superficialis/profundus And flexor pollicis longus
    • ext: extensor digitorum/indicis/digiti minimi/pollicis longus/pollicis brevis
    • abductor: abductor pollicus longus
  13. where do wrist flexors generally originate? insert?
    what does the extensor retinaculum do?
    • origin: anteriomedial aspect of proximal forearm and meidal epicondyle of humerus with insertions on the anterior aspect of wrist and hand
    • it holds flexor and ext tendons prox to wrist to prevent bowstringing during flex and ext
  14. carpal tunnel syndrome is..? common with? prevented by 2 things?
    • swelling and inflammation can cause increased press in carpal tunnel - decresed fxn of median nerve causing less motor fxn and sensation in its distribution
    • common with rep use hand in man labor typing office
    • prevent: modif in work habits and wrist positions
    • and flex exercises for wrist/fing flexors
  15. what are the wrist abductors? cross wrist joint where to insert where?
    • flexor carpi radialis
    • extensor carpi radialis longus/brevis
    • extensor pollicus longus/brevis
    • abductor pollicus longus
    • cross wrist joint anterolaterally and posterolaterally to insert on radial side of hand
  16. what are the wrist adductors? cross wrist where?
    • flexor carpi ulnaris and extensor carpi ulnaris
    • cross wrist joint anteromedially and posteromedially to insert on ulnar side of hand
  17. anteromedially at elbow and forearm and anterior at hand.. primary movements
    • wrist flexion
    • flexor carpi radialis and ulnaris
    • palmaris longus
    • wrist and phalangeal flexion
    • flexor digitorum superficialis/profundus
    • flexor pollicus longus
  18. postolateral at elbow and forearm and posterior to hand... primary actions?
    • wrist ext: ext carpi radialis brevis/longus and ext carpi ulnaris
    • wrist and phalangeal ext: ext digitorum/indicis/digiti minimi/pollicus longus/pollicus brevis and abductor pollicus longus
  19. what are the agonists for wrist flexion?
    • flexor carpi radialis/ulnaris
    • palmaris longus
    • flexor digitorum superficialis/proundus
    • flexor pollicus longus
  20. what are the agonists for wrist extension?
    • ext carpi radialis longus/brevis
    • ext carpi ulnaris
    • ext digitorum
    • ext indicis
    • ext digiti minimi
    • ext pollicus longus/brevis
  21. what are ag for wrist ab and ad??
    • ab: flexor carpi radialis
    • ext carpi radialis longus/brevis
    • ext pollicus longus/brevis
    • abd pollicus longus
    • add: flexor carpi ulnaris and ext carpi ulnaris
  22. where is the anatomical snuff box? tendons bordering it become more prominent when..? what composes the radial border of it? ulnar? floor? tenderness on floor suggests?
    • dorsal and distal to the styloid proc of radius
    • more prom when thumb is extended
    • radial: abd poll longus and ext poll brevis tendons
    • ulnar: extensor poll long tendon
    • floor is navicular - fracture
  23. what are the six tunnels??????
    • 1: 14 and 15
    • 2: Rs
    • 3: 13
    • 4: ext digi communis and indicis
    • 5: 2nd D in "DID"
    • 6: 7
Card Set
Kinese Chapter 7
test 3