1. closed shop
    business where only union members could be employed
  2. Henry Ford
    • put America on wheels
    • assembly line
  3. The Spirit of St. Louis
    the 1st plane to fly nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean
  4. Gertrude Stein
    "They are the lost generation"
  5. D. W. Griffith
    • "Birth of a Nation" Film
    • celebrated KKK racist violence as heroic
    • caused KKK to become active again
  6. The Scopes Trail
    John Scopes taught Darwin's theory, which was breaking the law. He lost the battle but not the war.
  7. F. Scott Fitzgerald
    wrote "The Great Gatsby" that portrayed rich people of the era
  8. Scottsboro boys
    9 black boys ages 13-21 accused of rape by 2 white women; charges dropped on youngest 4, the rest were granted with parole.
  9. CCC
    • Civilian Conservation Corps
    • work relief program
    • unemployed men work to conserve natural resources
  10. Okie
    people from place of chronic drought who migrated to labor camps for work
  11. Welfare State
    • government assumes responsibility for some/all of the individual & social welfare of its citizens
    • commonly porvides education, health care, food programs, unemployment and other benefits
  12. Monroe Doctrine
    President James Monroe's 1823 declaration that western Hemisphere was closed to any further colonization or interference by European powers
  13. Triple Entente
    Britian, France and Russia
  14. Triple Alliance
    Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy
  15. Lusitania
    British ocean linner designed by Leonard Peskett & built by John Brown & company of blydebank, Scotland. Entered passenger service with Cunard Line
  16. Zimmerland Telegram
    • Zimmerland Note
    • diplomatic proposal from the German Empire to Mexico to make war against the US
  17. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    peace treaty between Russia and the Central powers, marking Russia's exit from WWI
  18. John Pershing
    • general officer in US army who led American Expeditionary Forces in WWI
    • John Joseph "Black Jack" Pershing
  19. Red Scare
    periods of strong anti-communism
  20. Bolsheviks
    intellectual wing of communist party
  21. Woodrow Wilson
    • 28th President of the US
    • a leader of the progressive movement
    • wanted to stay out of the war but after the zimmerine note, entered WWI against Germany
  22. pure democracy
    • equal. male and female
    • no classes
  23. monarcy
    • Aristocracy (kings)- Greek for born to rule
    • Absolute (devine)
    • Constitutional (people have rights)
  24. theocracy
    rule by religion
  25. deomcracy
    ruled by the people representative govt
  26. socialism
    gov't control- gov takes care of the people
  27. communism
    no private ownership
  28. Anarchy
    no govt
  29. Plutocracy
    ruled by the rich
  30. oligarchy
    ruled by few
  31. Colonel Paul Tibbets
    Dropped the first atomic bomb
  32. Enola Gay
    B-29 bomber that held the atomic bomb
  33. Chiang Kai-Shek
    Chinese nationalist to fight against the Japanese
  34. General Franciso Franco
    led fascist rebels who attacked the democratically elected republican government
  35. Neville Chamberlain
    • went to Germany and offered Hitler appeasement
    • British Prime Minister
  36. appeasement
    doing what someone wants so they will leave you alone
  37. Nazi-Soviet Nonagression Treaty
    exposed Poland to attack by the German & Soviet army
  38. Blitzkrieg
    lightening war
  39. Dunkirk
    place where British and French soldiers retreated to
  40. Winston Churchill
    British prime minister who vowed "we shall fight on the seas and oceans"
  41. Luftwaffe
    German airforce
  42. Lend-Lease Act
    allowed the British to obtain arms from the Us w/o paying cash, but promising to repay after the war
  43. Lt Colonel James Doolittle
    led B-25 bomberson a raid on Tokyo that boosted American morale
  44. Battle of Midway
    turned the tide of Japanese advances in the Pacific but did little to dislodge the Japanese from the many places they had conquered and now stoutly defended
  45. Aryan Master Race
    a "pure" ideal race of blond hair and blue eyes
  46. Final Solution
    Germany's plan and execution of the genocide of European Jews
  47. Stalingrad
    Germany fought the Soviet Union for control of this city. It was among the "bloodiest" battles. Red army victory
  48. Teheran Conference
    Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin met in Teheran to discuss wartime strategy and the second front
  49. Kamikaze
    suicide attacks by Japanese pilots
  50. Manhattan Project
    a top secret project by Roosevelt to find a way to convert nuclear enerfy into a suepr bomb before the Germans
  51. Harry Truman
    ordered 2 atomic bombs to be dropped on Japan, they Finally surrendered
  52. What were the causes of WWI?
    • Austria wanted to attack Surbia
    • a guy from Surbia killed an archduke in Austria
    • Germany backed them up
  53. Who would you blame for WWI?
    Germany, because they agreed to back up Austria, when Austria wanted to go to war, also they are blamed because they were the strongest force and caused the most deaths
  54. How did the Versailles Peace Treaty lead to WWII?
    • It was an embarrasment to Germany
    • It demanded Reparations for the war
    • Took land from Germany
    • Took away Germany's Airforce and Navy, it also limited the army
    • It demanded that Germany take responsibility for the war
  55. How was Hitler able to come to power in Germany?
    • German people were upset, they refused to pay reparations
    • German soldiers felt like their own country had betrayed them
  56. Why did Truman elect to use the Atomic bomb against Japan?
    Because he didn't want to keep the war going, he just wanted it to end
  57. Do you think Truman made the right decision? (Atomic bomb)
    Yes, he warned them what would happen, and he gave them a chance to surrender, and even after the first one was dropped they still didn't surrender. He had to think about what was going to be in the best interest of our people before theirs. They could have surrendered.
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review for exam 2