What are two essential components of a neurological assessment?
- Motor Function -
- Sensory Function -
How do you assess general appearance, orientation and behavior?
- general appearance - tired, lethargic, energetic, etc..
- oriented - person, place, time, situation
- behavior
How do you assess level of consciousness in a patient?
Awake, alert, lethargic, in a stupor, comotose?
How do you assess memory?
- Long term - better in older adults; ask who was the president when?
- Short term - not as good in older adults; ask pt to recite numbers
What is cognitive function?
- Abstract thinking
- Math skills
- Critial thinking
- Language skills/Reading
- Problem solving
- Intellectual
Sometimes b/c of trauma, stroke or too much meds
What is motor function?
What is sensory function?
Sensation on the skin
Testing sharp or dull object on the feet of a diabetic patient **Important**
What part of the assessment if reflexes a part of?
Neurovascular check of a diabetic's foot
Always check for motor and sensory
What are terms used in a language assessment?
- Clear
- Slurred
- Unintelligable
- Aphasic - Receptive Does not understand what is being said. Expressive no verbal communication; pt cannot express how you feel but understands/thinks
How are reflexes rated?
- Rating from 0-5
- 0 = Absent
- 4+ = Hyperactive
Babinski Reflex
- In the foot (upper motor neurons)
- AKA plantar reflex
- Positive babinski in stroke patients; also means there is something wrong with the brain.
- Normal - toes grip, like a branch
- Abnormal - toes flare (normal in children <2 yrs)
What are some older adult considerations when performing a neurological assessment?
- Responses may be slower/wider gait
- Decreased sensory function
- Decreased deep tendon reflexes
- Slower coordination and voluntary movements
- Slower thought processes and verbal responses
- Intelligence & learning ability are unaltered with age