a collection of pus in a sac, formed by necrotic tissues and an accumulation of white blood cells
a type of breath sound that occurs in addition to the normal breath sounds; ex are crackles and wheezes
sac-like units at the end of the bronchioles where gas exchage takes place (singular; alveolus)
an allergic reaction that may cause profound swelling of the tongue and lips
arytenoid cartilages
one of the pair, pitcher-shaped cartilages at the back of the laryns, at the upper border of the cricoid cartilage
collapse of the alveolar air spaces of the lungs
beta-2 agonists
parmacologic agents taht stimulate the beta-2 receptor sites found in smooth muscle; inclue common bronchodilators like albuterol and levalbuterol
poisoning from eating food containing botulinum toxin
severe constiction of teh bronchial tree
cape cyanosis
deep cyanosis of the face and neck and accross the chest and back; associated with little or no blood flow; it is particularly ominous
point at which the trachea bifucates into the right and left mainstem bronchi
carpopedal spam
contorted position of the hand in which the fingers flex in a clawlike attitude and the thumb curls toward the palm
chronic bronchitis
chronic inflammatory condition affecting the bronchi that is asspciated with excess mucous prodution that results from overgrowth of the mucous glands in the airway
hairlike microtubule projections on the surface of a cell that can move materials over the cell surface
cor pulmonale
heart disease that develops secondary to a chronic lung disease, usually affecting primarily the right side of teh heart
abnormal breath sounds taht have a fine, crackling quality; previously called rales
cicoid cartilate
ringlike cartilage forming the lower and back part of teh larynx
cricothyroid membrance
membrane between the cricoid and thyroid cartilages of the larynx
common disease of childhood characterized by spasm of the larynx and resulting upper airway obstruction
dead space
the portion of the tidal volume taht does not reach the alveoli and thus does not participate in gas exchange
secretion of large amounts of urine by the kidney
a condition in which excess fluid accumulates in tissues, manifested by swelling
infiltration of any tissues by air or gas; a chronic obstuctive pulmonary disease charcterized by distention of the alveoli and destructive changes in the lung parenchyma
end-tidal carbon dioxide
the numeric percentage of carbon dioxide contained the last few milliliters of teh pts exhaled air
fowler's position
a sitting position with head elevated to 90 (sitting straight up)
opening between the vocal cords
goblet cells
cells that produce a protective mucous lining
greenfield filter
a mesh filter placed in the inferior vena cava to catch blood clots in patietns who are at high risk of pulmonary embolus
guillain-barre syndrome
a disease of unknon etiology taht causes paralysis that progresses from the feet to the head (ascending paralysis). If the paralysis reaches the diaphragm, the patient may require respiratory support
oxygen carrying pigment of the red blood cells. when hemoglobin has absorbed oxygen in the lungs, it is bright red and is called oxyhemoglobin. after hemoglobin has given up its oxygen in the tissues, it is purple and is called reduced hemoglobin
coughing up blood
hering-breuer reflex
the nervous system mechanism that terminates inhalation and prevents lung overexpansion
to not move adequate volumes of gas; underventilate
hypoxic drive
a situation in which a person's stimulus to breathhe come from a fall in Pa02 ratehr than normal stimulus, a rise in Pa02
jugular venous distention
the visible bulging of the jufular veins when the pt is in semi-Fowler's or full Fowlers position. This is indicative of inadequate blood movement through the heart/lungs
Kussmaul repirations
respiratory pattern characteristic of the person with diabetes who is in ketoacidosis, with marked hyperpnea and tachypnea
the organ of voice production
change in location of a disease from one organ or part of the body to another. often used to describe a cancer that has migrated to pther parts of the body
the sound of one note during wheezing, caused by the vibration of a single bronchus
the area behind the base of the tongue between the soft palate and the upper portion of the epiglottis
severe dyspnea experienced when recumbent and relieved by sitting up or standing up
palatine tonsils
one of the three sets of lymphatic organs that comprise the tonsils; located in the back of the throat, on each side of the posterior opening of the oral vacity; help protext the body from bacteria introced into the mouth and nose
the substaqnce of a glad or solid organ
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
severe shortness of breath occuring at night after several hours of recumency, during which fluid pools in the lungs
piriform fossa
hollow pockets on the lateral sides of the glottic opening
pleural effusion
excessive accumulation of fluid in the pleural spance
inflammation of the lung. implies lung inflammation from an irritant such as a chemical, dust, or radiation, or from aspiration. when lung inflammation is caused by an infectious agent, it would typicalled be called pneumonia
the production of more red blood cells over time, making the blood tich; a characteristic of people who have chronic lung disease and chronic hypoxia
the sound of mulitle notes during wheezing, cause by vibrations of many bronchi
inflammation of the lung. implies lung inflammation from an irritant such as a chemical, dust, or radiation, or from apiration. when lung inflammation is caused by an infectious agent, it would typically be called pneumonia.
the production of more red blood cells over time, making the blood thick, a characteristic of people who have chronic lung disease and chronic hypoxia
pulsus paradoxus
weakening or loss of a palpable pulse during inhalation, characteristic of cardiac tamponade and severe asthma
full of pus; having the character of pus
old terminology for abnormal breath sound that have a fine, crackling quality; now called crackles
reactive airway disease
a term used to describe any condition that causes hyperreactive bronchioles and bronchospasm
drawing in the intercostal muscles and the muscles above the clavicles in repiratiory distress
a coarse, low-pitched breath sound heard in patients who have chronic mucus in the airways (plural: rhonchi)
sellick maneuver
pressure applied over the cricoid to seal off the esophagus and prevent reflux of gastic contents
situation in which a portion of the output of the right side of the heart reaches the left side of the heart without being oxygenated in the lungs; may be caused by atelectasis, pulomoary edema, ora variety of other conditions. in hemodialysis, an anastomis between a peripheral artery and vein
smooth muscle
nonstriated involunaty muscle found in vessel walls, glands, and the gastrointestinal tract
noise made on inhalation when the upper airway is partially obstructed by the tongue
a device that collects medication as it is released from the canister of a metered-dose inhaler, allowing more to be delievered to the lungs and less to be lost to the environment
status asthmaticus
a severe, prolonged asthma attack that cannot be broken with epi
harsh, high-pitched sound associated with severe upper airway obstruction, such as that caused by laryngeal edema
a liquid protien substance that coats the alveioli in the lungs
tatile fremitus
vibrations in the chest as the patient breathes
tidal volume
the amount of air inhaled or exhaled during one breath
surgically opening the trachea to create an airway
a chronic bacterial disease caused by mycobaterium tuberculosis that usually affects the lungs but can also affect other organse suck as the brain or kidneys
a set of bony convolutions formed by the conchae in the nasopharynx that help to maintain smooth airflow