3023 chap 7

  1. Motivation
    • as the process that account for an idividuals intensity , direction and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal
    • INTENSITY-how hard a person tries
    • DIRECTION-quality of effort
    • PERSISTENCE-how long a person can main effort
  2. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
    Abraham Maslows hiearchy of needs
    • 1.Physiological-includes hunger, thirst, shelter, sex and other bodily needs
    • 2.Safety-security and protection from physical and emotional harm
    • 3.Social- Affection, belongingness. acceptance, and friendship
    • 4.Esteem- internal factors such as self respect, autonomy, and achievement
    • 5.Self-actualization-drive to become what we are capable of becoming inlcudes growth achieving our potential and self fufillment
  3. Maslow separated the five needs into higher and lower orders
    • physiological and safey- were lower order needs
    • social, esteem, self actualization-higher order needs
  4. Herzbergs Two factor theory
    motivation hygiene theory
    believing an individuals relationship to work is basic and that attitude toward work can very well determine success or failure
  5. Theory X and Theory Y
    • theory x-assumption that employees dislike work , lazy dislike responsibility and must be coerced to perform
    • theory y-assumption that employees like work, creative, seek responsibility and can excercise self direction.
  6. McClellands Needs Theory
    focuses on 3 needs
    • need for achievement-drive to excel to achieve in relation to set of standards to strive to succeed
    • need for power-need to make others behave in a way in which they would not have behaved otherwise
    • need for affiliation-desire for friendly and close relationships
  7. Goal Setting Theory
    goal specifity, challenge, and feedback have effect on peformance
  8. Goal Setting Theory
    individual is committed to the goal and is deteremined not to lower or abandon. In terms of behavior the individual 1.believes he or she can achieve goal.2. wants to achieve
  9. MBO
    management by objectives
    • goals that are tangible, verifiable, and measureable
    • -goal specifity
    • -participation in decision making
    • -time period
    • -feedback
  10. Equity Theory
    • 1. Self-Inside -An employees experiences in a different position inside employees current organization
    • 2.Self Outside-employees experiences in a situation or position outside the employees current organization
    • 3.Other-inside-Another individual or group of individuals inside the employees organization
    • 4.Other-outside-another individual or group of individuals outside the employees organization
  11. organizational justice
    • larger perception of what is fair in the workplace
    • fairness or equityy can be sujective , residing in our perception
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3023 chap 7
3023 chap 7