History of Architecture Quiz #2

  1. Image Upload 2
    Pointed Arch
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    • Canterbury Cathedral (plan)
    • England
    • c. 1100
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    • Salisbury Cathedral
    • England
    • 1220- 60
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    • Salisbury Cathedral (plan)
    • England
    • 1220- 60
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    • Salisbury Cathedral (nave)
    • England
    • 1220- 60
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    • Lincoln Cathedral -Crazy Vaults
    • England
    • 1192
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    • Exeter Cathedral -Tierceron Vaults
    • England
    • c. 1280
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    • Wells Cathedral (Choir)
    • England
    • before 1332
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    • Wells Cathedral -Strainer arches
    • England
    • 1338
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    • Wells Cathedral -Stairway to Chapter House
    • England
    • c. 1285
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    • Wells Cathedral -Chapter House
    • England
    • Early 14th century
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    • S. Francesco
    • Siena
    • Begun 1320
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    • Sta. Maria Novella
    • Florence
    • begun c. 1246
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    • Sta. Croce
    • Florence
    • Begun 1296
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    • View from Duomo with Campo and Palazzo Pubblico
    • Siena
  16. Image Upload 32
    • Siena Cathedral
    • Siena
    • mid 13th -mid 14th century
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    • Florence Cathedral
    • Florence
    • Facade begun 1296, nave and choir 1357-15th century
    • Begun by Arnolfo di Cambio, mainly Francsco Talenti
  18. Image Upload 36
    • Florence Cathedral
    • Florence
    • 1357
    • Begun by Arnolfo di Cambio, mainly Francsco Talenti
  19. Image Upload 38
    • Duomo Florence Cathedral
    • Florence
    • 1420
    • Brunelleschi
  20. Image Upload 40
    • Florence Cathedral (Duomo)
    • Florence
    • 1357
    • Begun by Arnolfo di Cambio, mainly Francsco Talenti
  21. Image Upload 42
    • Trinity Chapel, Canterbury Cathedral
    • England
    • 1175-84
  22. Image Upload 44
    • Palazzo Vecchio, Plazza della Signoria
    • FLorence
    • c. 1299-1315
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History of Architecture Quiz #2
chapter 7 finished